17| The Nightmare

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The dark figure could sense the bond between Kylo Ren and the girl growing stronger. But he had sensed the girl being tempted to the Dark Side. Good. Everything was going according to plan. She was almost willing to join the Dark Side, just so she could be with him.

But something happened that he had not foreseen, Ren was also tempted to the Light Side. He was almost willing to join the Light Side and the Resistance just so he could be with her. But instead, he made a choice, no sides, just the two of them together.

And that would be worse than him joining her on the Light Side. That would bring balance to the Force, and balance was the only thing that could defeat him.

The Supreme Leader knew he would have to do something before they grew any closer to each other, before their bond grew too strong. If their bond grew too strong, they would begin to feel each other's pain. They would be able to communicate with their thoughts and they may even learn to control their Force connections. And that was only the beginning of what they could accomplish together.

He couldn't allow that to happen. Not until he had Ren under his control. Then he would use his bond to the girl to pull her to the Dark Side. If he could control Ren, and he was bound to the girl, then he would also control her. Together they would be more powerful than any Force user ever to live and they would be under his control.

He just needed to pull Ren fully to the Dark Side.

It was late and Ben decided to try to get some sleep

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It was late and Ben decided to try to get some sleep. He didn't know what a peaceful nights sleep felt like, his whole life he had been tormented by terrible nightmares. Some of them were caused by the Force showing him something. Sometimes it was his past, sometimes it was a possible future. Many times it was something he didn't really understand.

But most of the time it was Snoke, tormenting him, trying to turn him against himself and pull him to the Dark Side. Even after he joined Snoke and the Dark Side, Snoke would fill his dreams with insults and threats. Showing him his failures and weaknesses in his dreams.

Now Snoke was gone, but he still struggled to sleep. The Force was a constant battle within him. A battle between the Light and Dark Side. He could feel it tearing him apart on the inside.

He laid down and closed his eyes, desperate to sleep. But when the sleep finally came, he wished it hadn't.

He began to have a dream. ...a nightmare.

He was in Snoke's throne room kneeling before the huge figure. He watched as Snoke tortured Rey. Using the Force to cause her pain. A pain that was all too familiar to him. A pain so terrible that it caused her to scream in agony.

Seeing Rey in pain was far worse than any of the pain Snoke had inflicted upon him his whole life, he could bare no more. He did not have the strength to continue seeing her in such pain. He looked down, unable to bare it any longer.

Moments later he could feel Rey Force pulling his lightsaber from his belt. He looked at her, trying to mask his emotions. He was filled with worry for her. He knew the saber would do no good against Snoke. But there was no way for him to warn her.

She ignited it and charged at Snoke. But he knocked the lightsaber from her hands. Ben watched as it slid across the floor to stop, spinning in front of him.

Snoke lifted Rey into the air looking through her mind for the map to Skywalker. But unlike Kylo, he did not do it gently. There were tears streaming down her face, and he could almost feel her pain.

Ben looked down again, unable to bear to watch any longer. But then, Rey screamed in agony, pulling on the strings of his heart. He looked up to glare at Snoke. He longed to protect her, but he couldn't. He wished he could help Rey, but he was powerless against Snoke. Still he had to try. He knew what he had to do.

He looked down at his saber, trying to get control of his emotions.

"Now, you will die," he heard Snoke tell Rey. Then he pushed her with Force in front of Kylo.

He grabbed his lightsaber and stood up. He looked down at Rey who was knelt before him. She was unable to move because of the Force hold Snoke had on her.

"Please don't do this Ben," she begged him.

Ben looked into her eyes. He knew he couldn't kill her. She had come to help him. She thought she could save him from the Dark Side. It was because of him she was here. It was because of him she had experienced so much pain. He would not let it be because of him that she died.

"I know what I have to do," he told her.

Rey's eyes continued to beg him not to do it.

"I cannot be betrayed, I see his mind," said Snoke.

Kylo lifted his lightsaber.

Snoke closed his eyes. "I see him lifting the saber."

He slowly turned the lightsaber to point it at Rey.

"I see him turning the saber," Snoke continued. "And now silly girl, he ignites it and strikes his true enemy."

To his dismay he ignited the lightsaber in his hand instead of the one next to Snoke, as he had intended. It's fiery blade went through Rey. Her eyes widened suddenly in pain, then she fell lifeless to the ground. All around him, the throne room began to tremble with the Force. He could not stop it. He felt as if his heart was being torn in half.

"Well done, my apprentice. You have passed your test," said Snoke.

But Ben did not hear him. What have I done? he thought, as he looked down at Rey's lifeless form. He was suddenly filled with a deep sense of loss and pain. He was no longer able to suppress the emotions that had filled him.

"Rey!" he screamed and collapsed to his knees. He began to weep. The Force trembling all around him.

"I can see you are still weak, my apprentice. Darth Vader never would have wept, as you do now. Least of all for the sake of a girl," said Snoke.

Maybe Snoke was right, maybe he was weak. He tried to get a hold of himself, but he couldn't. Rey had been trying to help him, to save him. And he had just killed her. She was the only one who understood him, who cared about him. And now she was gone, and it was his fault. He closed his eyes and continued to weep, unable to control himself.

He opened his eyes, screaming her name again.

Then, as he looked up he was surprised to see his uncle standing over him. But something was different about him, he was glowing blue.

Ben screamed and scurried backwards. "Stay away from me!" he yelled, his uncle was dead, he had felt it. He fell out of his bed and landed on the floor. He hurried to his feet and hurried out of the room to get away from his uncle. He didn't know how he was still alive, all he knew was that he was powerless against him now.

Luke smiled as he watched him run away. "I told you I would be seeing you around, kid," he said. But Kylo had already gone.

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