I Knew There Was Still Good In Him

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The guards quickly moved a large cushioned bench to the center of the room. Chewbacca gently laid Ben onto the bench.
The guard who had met Kylo, Hux and Phasma came into the throne room. He saw Ben unconscious on the bench and recognized him as Kylo Ren. "Is he dead?" He asked.
"No," Rey answered, looking down at Ben.
"You managed to capture Kylo Ren alive?" He asked.
"Kylo Ren?" Queen Natalia asked.
"Yes, I met him when he came looking for the Resistance." The guard replied.
"What do you plan to do with him, keep him prisoner, hold him ransom?" The young queen asked Rey.
"No," Rey answered.
"Then why did you bring him here?" Queen Natalia asked.
"He's hurt, he needs help." She answered.
"He's our enemy, why should we help him?" She asked.
"He helped us escape, and he almost died doing it." Rey answered. Then she looked at Leia. "He's turned to the Light Side." She smiled, she had kept her promise to Leia.
Leia smiled, the biggest smile she had ever shown Rey. "I knew there was still good in him." She said.
"So did I." Rey agreed, and Leia smiled even wider.
"How do you know we can trust him?" Queen Natalia asked.
"Do you trust me?" Rey asked.
The young queen was silent.
"I do!" Said a voice behind them. They all turned to see Finn entering the castle.
Rose was right behind him. "So do I." She agreed.
"Me, too." Said Poe, as he and Kaydel fallowed them inside.
Rey smiled at her friends, she was glad they were safe.
"I trust her," Leia added.
"Then, so do I." Said Queen Natalia.
"If you trust me, then believe me when I say he has changed. He's on our side." Rey answered.
"He's the leader of the First Order, if he's on our side, why doesn't he order them to stop the attack?" The guard asked.
"He can't give orders when he's unconscious." Rey pointed out. "But even if he could, I'm afraid they wouldn't obey the orders."
"Why not?" The Queen asked.
"When he helped us escape, he became an enemy to the First Order." She explained.
Finn nodded. "That's how he got wounded." He Said.
"We didn't trust him at first either." Said Poe. "In fact when I first saw him, I punched him in the face."
Leia stared at him. "Did he punch you back?" She asked.
"No," Poe answered. "But I think he wanted to."
Finn nodded. "Rey's the only reason you didn't get punched." He said.
"Then he started helping us escape. He and Rey fought the stormtroopers while we unlocked the cells." Said Poe.
"Rey almost got shot, but Ben stepped in front of her." Said Finn.
"Ben?" Leia asked.
"That's what he told us to call him." Poe answered. And Leia smiled, her son had indeed returned.
"We knew we could trust him when he sacrificed himself for Rey." Said Finn.
"He almost died saving us." Poe added.
"More then once." Finn agreed.
Finally Queen Natalia decided that even if Ben couldn't be trusted, he deserved to be taken care of. By risking his life to save the group of Resistance fighters, and Rey who was said to be their last hope, he had become a hero to the Resistance. She ordered the royal doctors to come to the throne room and care for him.
Three doctors came immediately.
"Yes, your majesty?" One of them asked.
"He is wounded." She said pointing to Ben. "Please help him."
"Right away, your majesty." Said the second doctor. And the three of them began to look over Ben.
Rey and Leia stood close by. They were both still worried about Ben.
Soon the doctors had bandaged Ben and did all they could for him.
"He hit his head pretty hard." Said the first doctor, examining his head. "It may be a little while before he regains consciousness." He added as he bandaged his head.
Rey nodded.
"Even so, a guard should be posted in case he comes to, and is not on our side." Said Queen Natalia. She turned to Rey. "If that happens, you're the only one who can stop him."
Rey nodded. "I'll watch him." She said. Secretly, she was grateful she had been chosen. She didn't want to leave Ben's side, and she also wanted to stay to protect him from any members of the Resistance who might still see him as an enemy.
Leia smiled at Rey. "Thank you," she said. "For taking care of my son, and for bringing him back to the light." Leia knew she could trust Rey to protect Ben while he was in this helpless state. She also knew that if Ben did return to the Dark Side when he awoke, Rey was among the few who could bring him back to the light, and face him if he wouldn't.
Confident that her son was safe, Leia bent down and kissed his head, then smiled once more at Rey. Then she and the rest of the Resistance went back to work.

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