Fifteen Minutes

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Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel were being escorted by six stormtroopers through a hallway that led to the detention bay. Thankfully, the stormtroopers weren't smart enough to check the cuffs that Kylo Ren had placed on the four prisoners, had they done so they would have discovered that they were fastened but unlocked. And the stormtroopers didn't think to search them, after all why would Kylo Ren bring armed prisoners to the First Order?
Finn looked over at Poe, who nodded. Then they both removed their cuffs and drew the blasters hidden in their jackets. They knocked out the two stormtroopers in front of them, then point their blasters at the stormtroopers beside them.
Rose and Kaydel saw the commotion and removed their own cuffs, turning to point their blasters at the stormtroopers behind them.
"Hold it," said Poe and the stormtroopers looked at them surprised.
"Drop your weapons," Finn added.
The stormtroopers dropped their blasters with a clatter on the hard floor.
"Give us your armor," Poe instructed.
The four stormtroopers gave him their helmets and the white armor they were wearing over their plain black clothes.
Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel secured the four conscious stormtroopers with the cuffs they had been wearing moments before. Rose and Kaydel led the stormtroopers into a nearby supply closet, while Finn and Poe drug the two unconscious men behind them. Once all six of the stormtroopers were in the closet, Poe locked the door.
Then they put the armor the stormtroopers had given them on over their clothes. Luckily two of the stormtroopers were women, so their armor fit Rose and Kaydel pretty well.
"I never thought I would wear on of these again," Finn said as he put the helmet on his head.
Rose nodded understandingly at him.
"Which way now?" Poe asked Finn.
"This way," Finn replied, leading them down a corridor to the left.
When they reached the shield generator, they took out the explosives that they had brought with them and planted them at strategic points throughout the room. Once the bombs were in place, Finn and Rose began working on the automatic detonator they had put together.
"Okay we only have fifteen minutes before the bombs go off," said Finn.
"...the blast won't be enough to destroy the ship, but the explosion and the damages caused by it will be ship wide," Rose continued.
"In other words, we need to get the blazes out of here as soon as you set the timer," said Poe.
"Exactly," Finn and Rose said in unison.
"And we only have fifteen minutes?" Kaydel asked.
Rose nodded.
"That should be plenty of time," said Poe. "The ship isn't that far away."
Finn nodded.
"Okay the timer's set," said Rose. "Let's go."
They left and went back to the landing bay where the First Order shuttle waited for them.
Finn went into the cockpit, hoping that Rey and Ben would be there waiting for them, but they weren't in the ship.
Poe sat down in the pilot seat and prepared to take off.
"Wait, what about Rey and Ben?" Finn asked.
"They said that if they didn't make it back in time, we should leave without them," Poe replied.
"And you're going to listen to them?" Finn asked.
"We can't just leave them here," Rose added.
"I'm not leaving without Rey," Finn added stubbornly.
"Fine, we get Rey and then we're out of here," Poe answered.
"What about Ben?" Rose asked.
"We can just leave him here," Poe replied.
"But he saved Rey's life," Finn protested.
"And she loves him," Rose added.
"She would never forgive you for it," said Finn.
"And neither would Leia," Kaydel added.
"I know, I was just joking," Poe answered. "If I left Leia's son here after he finally came back home she would probably kill me. Let's go we don't have much time."
Finn and Rose nodded.
"Come on, buddy," Poe told BB8.
BB9E beeped loudly.
"Yes, you can come too," Poe answered.
Then the four resistance members and the two bb unit droids left the shuttle and made their way down the hall, towards Snoke's throne room.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now