A Strange Pain

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Rey gasped and opened her eyes. She could feel a sharp pain in her chest, and she knew what had caused it. The Force. It was similar to what she had felt when Han and Luke had died. But this was different, there was no loss, just pain.
She closed her eyes and focused. It was Ben, he was in pain. Deep pain. It wasn't physical pain, but emotional pain.
She stood up and reached to open the door to his room, when a new pain filled her body. It almost felt as if she was being electrocuted. She could almost feel lightening coursing through her veins.
She staggered slightly from the pain, but regained her footing.
She opened the door to find Ben laying on his bed. He was asleep but he was tossing and turning, crying out in pain.
He must be having a terrible nightmare, she thought. She knew that he needed his rest after his injury, but he was in pain and the only way to make his pain go away was to wake him up.
She went over to him and touched his shoulder. He didn't respond, he only continued to cry in pain.
"Ben." She said gently. But still there was no response.
She could feel a strange terrible pain through their bond, and she knew that she was feeling his pain. She knew that the mind was a powerful thing and that it could make a dream seem so real that things could be felt... but not like this. This was something else.
She closed her eyes and gently touched his head, her fingers moving through his thick black hair.
She closed her eyes and entered his thoughts. He didn't block her, he almost called to her.
But as she pushed farther into his mind, she was met by some resistance. But not from him. It came from an outside force, a dark force.
Snoke? It couldn't be true.
"Leave him alone!" She yelled at Snoke through her thoughts.
"He's mine foolish child." Snoke's evil voice replied.
"No," she answered.
Just then Ben opened his eyes. But as Rey looked into his eyes, she knew that it wasn't him somehow. His eyes were yellow and filled with darkness.
He sat up and grabbed her throat in an iron grip. He squeezed, chocking her.
"Ben... don't do this." She begged in a struggling whisper.
"Ben Solo is dead." He said.
"I see his mind, foolish girl. I control him." Snoke's voice came.
"Join me scavenger. Join me or die." It was Ben's voice... but it wasn't him, it was Kylo Ren.
"I will only join you if you give me my Ben back." She answered stubbornly.
"Your Ben?" Snoke laughed. "He belongs to me now."
"Not his heart." She answered.
She reached out and gently caressed his cheek. "Ben, I love you." She said softly. "Come back to me sweetheart, please."
He closed his eyes. Several seconds later he opened them again. Rey was relieved to see his eyes... his beautiful brown eyes.
He looked at her relieved to find that she was still alive. But suddenly his relief was replaced with horror, as he realized that his hand was around Rey's throat. He quickly released her. She fell to her knees and inhaled quickly.
He fell to his knees next to her on the floor. "Are you alright Rey?" He asked touching her cheeks softly.
"I'm fine, now that you're here." She said, reaching to hug him. But he stopped her.
"Don't touch me." He said. "I'm a monster."
"You're not the monster Ben, Snoke is." She said.
Ben looked at the red marks on her neck, where he had choked her. "I hurt you." He whispered, gently brushing his finger over the reddened skin.
"It wasn't you Ben, Snoke had control of your mind. But he couldn't take your heart," she said, putting her hand on his chest, over his pounding heart.
"That's because my heart belongs to you, sweetheart." He said. He leaned closer to her, kissing her sore neck.
"I know." She said, wrapping her arms around him. She closed her eyes, and leaned her head back slightly enjoying his tender kisses. She sighed softly as the soft touch of his lips on her neck seemed melt the pain away.
At last his lips parted from her neck and he looked into her eyes.
She looked at him for a long moment. "Tell me your dream." She said, softly.
"Snoke killed you." He whispered. "Then as I felt my heart breaking from loosing you, he tortured me."
"I can't bare the thought of you being tortured," she said.
"I've experienced that pain my whole life, but loosing you was what hurt more than anything," he said. "I don't want to live without you."
"Ben, the Force has connected us, you and I. Nothing can separate us, not even death." She said. She leaned her head on his shoulder, hoping that he wouldn't see the tears that had formed in her eyes at the realization that he had been tortured by Snoke his entire life. "I will always be with you."
He pulled her closer and held her for a long moment.
Rey could feel that he was weak and tired both from his wound and from the emotional torture he had received from Snoke.
"You need to rest." She whispered.
"No... I'm not going to sleep. He'll come back." He said.
Rey stood up and pulled him up with her. "No he won't." She said. She sat on the edge of the bed and let him lay his head on her lap. "I won't let him." She said.
She gently stroked his head, relaxing him so that he soon fell into a sleep filled with beautiful dreams of himself and Rey. But he didn't know that she was the one causing them. She was guarding his mind from Snoke. She wasn't going to let Snoke take him or hurt him again. Ben was her's and she wasn't going to let Snoke take him from her.

(This book was rated #1 in reylo July 2019, 4K views! Thank you for reading, voting and commenting.)

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