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Rey opened her eyes to find that she was home. Home, she had learnt long ago when she was living in the old Imperial AT-AT on Jakku, was not one single place where one dwelt. It could be anywhere, anywhere you belonged, where you were loved and cared for. She found herself wrapped tightly by Ben's strong arms as he held her protectively. As long as they were together, she was home...they both were.
Ben came too a few seconds after she had. He immediately thought of Rey, worried that Snoke would hurt her, but he relaxed as he felt her in his arms, and he felt her emotions, she was calm and at peace. He opened his eyes, expecting to see the crimson ceiling of Snoke's throne room with fire and ash raining down on him and Rey. His vision was blurred and all he could see was white light overhead.
Are we dead? he wondered. If they were, it didn't seem too bad so far, in fact it seemed quite wonderful, laying here with her in his arms.
"Where are we?" he asked.
"Home," she answered.
"You're my home, wherever we are together...that's home," she whispered, then she sat up and leaned over to kiss him gently.
He returned the kiss, pulling her closer.
"You're back on Naboo, in the medical bay," they heard Leia's voice say just after they broke their kiss.
Ben turned to see his sitting in a chair next to their bed, his vision was beginning to clear and he saw that they were in a medical facility.
They both began to blush fiercely, they had thought that they were alone.
"Snoke?" Ben questioned.
"Dead," Finn's voice answered.
Rey and Ben turned to see Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel standing in the room with them.
I can't believe they were all watching us sleep together, Ben thought before he realized how awkward his thought had just sounded, and that Rey could hear his thoughts. I mean... I didn't mean...
Rey covered her mouth with her hand to hide her smirk. Ben you're so adorable sometimes.
He looked at her. Only sometimes?
All of the time, she admitted.
He smiled at her.
Rey turned to look at her friends again, realizing that they hadn't said anything since they were having their own private conversation through their thoughts. "Are you sure?"
Poe nodded. "Definitely."
"He survived being cut in half," Ben pointed out.
"He was blown to bits," Poe answered. "If he comes back from that, nothing can kill him."
Ben nodded. "And the First Order?"
"Their fleet was destroyed," Leia answered. "Only the manned Star Destroyers escaped."
"Unfortunately General Hux and Captain Phasma escaped," Finn said.
"They'll try to rebuild the First Order," Ben said. "And I still need to find the knights of Ren."
Leia nodded. "But we'll worry them later, for now you two need to focus on regaining your strength. There's nothing General Hux and Captain Phasma can do right now. We should enjoy this victory, this time of peace no matter how short it may be."
Ben nodded. She's right, Hux and Phasma can wait. We should try to have a life beyond the war while we can. We should get married while everything is quiet.
She had promised that when this was all over, she would marry him. She smiled as she realized that it was over, they could finally get married.
That is...if you still want to marry me? he thought.
Of course I do, she answered, reaching over to take his hand. We'll get married as soon as we recover...I think Naboo is a perfect place for our wedding.
Ben nodded. "I think that sounds wonderful, we'll take care of Hux later."
Everyone nodded in agreement, they were all in need of a break.
"Umm...how come they didn't separate me and Rey?" Ben asked, there were several rooms in the medical bay, he wondered if there had been so many injured that all of the other rooms were full.
Rose giggled softly. "The doctors tried to separate you, but it didn't end too well for them."
"What do you mean?" Ben asked.
Just then a doctor came in to check on them. Ben noticed the man's black eye right away. The doctor checked their vitals, but Ben noticed that he didn't come near them, and he seemed to be watching him cautiously.
The doctor smiled, but it was a forced smile. "I'm glad to see that you're awake. You seem to be doing well, you need more rest though."
"Can they come to the celebration tomorrow?" Finn asked, concerned.
"Yes, but don't do anything too strenuous and no more fighting," he looked pointedly at Ben as he said the last words.
Ben looked at Rey then back at the doctor. What does that supposed to mean?
I don't know, she answered.
"I want you both to rest until tomorrow," the doctor continued.
They both nodded.
"And I'm going to set up a follow up appointment in two weeks," the doctor went on.
I don't like the sound of that, Ben thought. Why would they need a follow up appointment, unless there was something wrong with one or both of them.
I'm sure it's nothing, Ben, she answered. He's probably just being cautious.
Ben nodded and the doctor continued his work.
"Did I do that?" Ben gestured to the doctor's black eye.
The doctor nodded. "You put up quite a fight every time someone tried to pull the girl from your arms."
"Sorry about that," Ben replied. "The last thing I remember before I blacked out was Snoke saying that he was going to kill her, so you can understand why I was being so protective."
The doctor nodded and smiled. "Don't worry, she's safe now. Besides I think that it was better that you were together, you're linked in away that we can't medically explain. What effects one of you, effects you both."
Ben nodded and the doctor turned to leave
"How long have we been out?" Rey asked her friends.
"Three days," Kaydel answered.
"And your mother has been at your side the whole time," Poe told Ben.
Ben turned to smile at his mother.
Leia smiled back at him.
"Where are the kids?" Ben asked after a moment.
Leia's smile broadened. "They're with Chewie."
Ben moved to get up but his mother and Rey stopped him and pulled him back down onto the bed.
"You heard the doctor," Leia scolded. "You need to rest."
Ben smirked. "I'm Han Solo's son, I'm not going to listen to a doctor."
Leia nodded. "But you're going to listen to me."
"Yes ma'am," Ben answered, giving in. "But Temiri, Arashell and Oniho are probably worried, I promised that I would take care of them."
Leia nodded.
"We'll bring them here," Finn said, then he, Rose, Poe and Kaydel left to find the children.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now