The Crystal

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They continued through the tunnel until they came to a small room in the cave. It was completely dark, but as they entered the room a faint blue and red light filled the room. The light seemed to be coming from the top of a small stone table.
Rey looked over at Ben a soft red glow shown on his face and she couldn't help but admire how beautiful he was both inside and out.
Ben turned to look at her, as he felt her watching him. He gasped softly, amazed by her beauty as the gentle blue light caressed her face. And he knew that no matter how long he looked at her, he would always be amazed by how wonderful she was.
Rey smiled at him, then she took his hand and they walked towards the center of the room. When they reached the table, they found a kyber crystal unlike any they had ever seen. It was both red and blue twisted and bound together.
Rey and Ben both reached down and touched the crystal at the same time without realizing it. As their fingers touched it, it glowed a bright purple. It was so bright that it filled the cave and was almost blinding. They moved their hands and the crystal returned to normal.
"Is that normal?" Rey asked.
Ben shook his head. "Kyber crystals call to the one they choose, but they don't usually choose two at the same time."
"Maybe it's because we are one now," she replied.
Ben smiled. "I think we should take it, the Force lead us here for a reason.
Rey nodded and lifted the crystal from the table. "Now if we can just find a way out of here."
Ben touched the crystal and the room was again filled with bright purple light. He pointed to another tunnel on the other side of the room. "Should we take that tunnel?" he asked feeling the Force pulling him in that direction, and sensing that same pull within her.
She nodded and they went through the tunnel entrance to find a staircase. They climbed up the staircase hand in hand, guided by the Force and the light of the crystal.
Once they neared the top of the staircase, they could see daylight just above them and it encouraged them to climb even quicker. As they exited the tunnel, they found themselves in a cave on the side of a mountain a top the island.
"We should get back to the others," said Rey.
Ben nodded, he would be glad to see his mother and the children again, as well as his new friends though he still wasn't completely comfortable around them.
They walked down the path that led from the cave. Finally they reached the Millennium Falcon, they opened the door and hurried to the cockpit, setting a corse for Naboo.

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