You've Earned It

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The next day...
Queen Natalia stood on the stairs that led to the palace, she wore an elegant white gown and her face was painted in the signature design of a queen of Naboo. Leia, the last princess of Alderaan stood next to her. She wore a white hooded robe that was fit for both a princess and a Jedi, it suited her well.
A large crowd had gathered, leaving a path to the stairs where Queen Natalia and Princess Leia stood, now that the war was over...she was a princess once again.
Poe, Finn, Rose and Kaydel approached the palace. Rey and Ben walked hand in hand behind them with Chewbacca, C3PO, R2D2, BB8 and BB9E following them.
"I thank you for saving my planet and my people," said Queen Natalia.
They all bowed to her.
Leia smiled at the group of rebel heroes, her gaze landing on her son.
He smiled back at her.
"And I thank you for saving the galaxy," said Leia.
One of the palace servants approached her with a pillow that held several medals, they were just like the ones Leia had given to Luke and Han for destroying the Death Star.
Leia took one of the medals and placed it around Poe's neck as he bowed. "For the Resistance's greatest pilot."
Poe beamed with pride.
Leia went over to Kaydel and she bowed. Leia placed the medal around her neck. "For the Resistance's most loyal and brave Lieutenant."
Kaydel bowed again in respect for her hero.
Leia smiled at the young woman, then went over to Finn. "For your courage," she told him smiling.
Then she went over to Rose. "This is for both you and your sister."
Rose offered the princess a sad smile as she reached her hand up to touch the medal.
Leia then turned to Rey who bowed as she placed the medal around her neck. "For the Jedi who brought back both my brother and my son." Leia glanced at Ben as she spoke the last words and he smiled a little shyly.
Rey couldn't help a small smile, thinking about Ben.
Leia went over to Ben with a medal in her hand.
He took a small step backwards. "No, I don't deserve it, not after what I've done. Give it to Chewie, he's earned it, he helped to destroy the first Death Star."
Leia smiled. "I have one for Chewie, this one is for you, you've earned it." She placed the medal around his neck. "You came home and you destroyed the evil that once controlled you, that wasn't an easy task."
Leia went over to Chewbacca. "For the destruction of the Death Star, and for helping to save the galaxy...and my husband... countless times after that." She placed the medal around Chewie's neck.
He growled in gratitude.
Leia smiled. "And we can't leave out the droids...our loyal friends."
She took four miniature versions of the medals that had been attached to magnets and attached one to each of their four droid companions.
Then they all turned to face the crowd who cheered loudly.
Rey sensed Ben feeling unworthy of this, he felt that he still hadn't made up for what he'd done wrong, and that he didn't deserve any kind of reward for the good he had done when he'd received no punishment for his wrongdoing.
Rey reached over to take his hand. You killed Snoke, you saved me and the Resistance you've earned this reward, she told him through their connection.
Being with you is reward enough for me, he replied.
She smiled, me too.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now