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Temiri went over to his friends who were still hiding under the table.
"Temiri, why did you go over there?" Arashell asked gesturing to Ben.
"Kylo Ren is dangerous." Oniho added.
"He won't hurt us." Said Temiri. "He has changed. Rey brought him back to the Light Side, just like Luke Skywalker."
"Really?" Arashell asked.
Temiri nodded. "And he's going to take care of me. He's going to be my father." He said.
"We're happy that you have a home and a family now Temiri." Said Arashell.
"Maybe someone will give you a home and a family too, Arashell." Temiri replied. "You too, Oniho."

Rey smiled at Ben and came over to sit next to him.
She looked over at the three children talking under the table. "I'm glad that they won't have to grow up alone, like we did." She said.
"Me too." He replied. "The little boy...Temiri, wants me to be his father."
Rey smiled. "I think that you will be a wonderful father." She whispered. "Temiri is lucky to have you."
"I don't know, I'm afraid. What if I fail him?"
"You won't." She replied. "You would never leave him."
Ben nodded, still unsure.
"And I saw you two together you were good with him." She said. "You may seem be rough and corse, but deep down you have a warm heart."
"Thank you Rey." He said.
She smiled and hugged him. Then she grew serious. "Ben, I think that we should tell your mother about Snoke. If he's still alive, we could all be in danger."
Ben nodded.
Rey stood up and grabbed his hand, encouraging him to follow her. He stood and she led him to the table where his mother and the Resistance fighters sat. Rey sat down in one of the empty chairs and Ben took the one next to her.
As they sat down, the others became quite as they noticed that Rey and Ben seemed to have something very important to say. Everyone was staring at them, and Ben was already beginning to regret coming to sit with them. He knew that they had forgiven him. But he knew that deep down they were probably still angry with him.
And he had never liked crowds. Even at Luke's academy, he had eaten most of his meals alone at a table in the corner. But most of the padawans had always looked for any reason to make fun of him.
Rey looked around at her friends and saw that they were waiting intently. She looked at Ben and nodded encouragingly.
"Snoke... he's still alive." He said.
"What?" Poe asked.
"I thought that you killed him to save Rey." Said Leia.
"I did, but he must have survived somehow." He answered. "I never saw the limit of his power, I never knew exactly what he was capable of."
"How do you that he's still alive?" Finn asked.
"Last night, I had a dream... a nightmare." He corrected himself. "Snoke killed Rey. All I could do was watch, helpless. Before he tortured me."
"That sounds terrible." Said Rose.
Ben nodded. "I've had these kind of nightmares my whole life. And the pain is always so real."
"I'm sure it was just a dream, Ben." Leia said, gently.
But he shook his head. "After Snoke died the nightmares got better, and I no longer heard his voice or felt him torturing me in my mind. But lately it's gotten worse, I keep dreaming of Rey's death. Either I am powerless to help her, or worse, she is killed by own hands and I have no control over it." He said. Then his voice became a whisper. "I... I can't lose her."
"I told you, Ben, you're not going to lose me." She said gently.
"I know." He whispered. "But I still can't bare to see you hurt. And I don't want to live without you."
"I know." She said and Leia smiled at them.
"But how do you know that Snoke is still alive? How do you know that it wasn't just a nightmare?" Finn asked.
"Because I could hear his voice, I could feel his presence." Ben replied. "The things that I felt couldn't just be a dream, it was real."
"He's right." Rey agreed. "It was much more than a nightmare. I am linked to Ben through the Force, and it continues to grow stronger. I can feel his pain. Last night I felt a deep pain from him, deeper than that of his injury. First it was an emotional pain, like his heart was breaking."
"That was when Snoke killed her in my nightmare." Ben explained.
"Then I felt a strong physical pain, like lightening coursing through my veins. It burned every part of my body."
"Snoke was torturing me with Force lightening in my dream." Ben explained. "But I could feel it, as if he were actually standing in the room with me."
"I knew that the pain was coming from Ben, so I went to check on him to make sure he wasn't hurt." She said. "I could sense Snoke's presence in Ben's mind."
"Is he still there?" Poe asked. "In your mind?"
"No, Rey made him leave me alone." Ben replied.
"How?" Finn asked.
"Well... um.... Rey's hold on my heart is stronger than Snoke's hold on my mind." He answered.
"Awe." Said Rose, "that's so sweet."
"I have felt a dark presence. I know now that it was Snoke that I felt. And if Snoke is alive then we may all be in danger." Said General Organa.
"He must be found." Poe agreed.
"But how are we going to find him?" Kaydel asked.
"Maybe you could use the Force." Finn suggested to Rey.
Ben shook his head. "Luke was able to hide his Force signature from me for years. And Snoke is far stronger, I already know what he would do. He would lead us into a trap."
"So, what do we do?" Poe asked.
"I don't know." Ben answered. "Even if we could find him, how would we stop him? I already tried to kill him once, what if he just comes back again?"

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