35| A Spark Of Hope

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The doors of the Millennium Falcon swung open. Rey and Chewbacca stepped out onto to Ganeron for the first time. The ground was cold, hard stone, it was wet and slippery. They had to walk very carefully to keep from slipping and falling.

The rain poured down so hard that it was difficult to see anything but falling drops.

"Which way should we go?" Chewie growled.

"I don't see anyone," Rey answered.

"The Force will guide you," Luke's voice whispered. "But beware of the Dark Side."

"The Force will guide us," she told Chewie. She reached out with her feelings. But the Force that surrounded them was only the Dark Side, not even the smallest ray of the Light Side. There was no life. But she reached deeper, pushing past the darkness. Finally she felt it; life. And a spark of hope. She knew that it was their allies.

"This way," she told Chewie. Then she led him through the thick sheets of rain.

Meanwhile, on Kylo Ren's ship...

Kylo stood on the bridge with his knights. "How long before we arrive?" he asked Darrah, who was the smartest one of his knights. He was in charge of the computers and navigation.

"Almost two hours, Sir," he answered.

Kylo nodded. He needed some time to rest. He had stayed up all night, trying to find the location of the Resistance. And more importantly, the location of Rey.

"I will be in my room, send someone to fetch me once we arrive," he said.

"Yes, Sir," Darrah replied.

Kylo walked down the hall and went to his room. He laid down on his bed. For the first time in several days, he could relax. They would find the girl. And he was sure that he would be able to convince her to join him, this time. He had seen her compassion for him grow. Perhaps now she would be ready to leave everything behind to rule the galaxy with him. But he told himself that if she wouldn't join him, then he would destroy her once and for all.

But deep down, he knew that he couldn't. He could never kill her. He had too much compassion for her. And deep down, he had even began to love her. He knew that if she wouldn't join him, it would break his heart. It would tear him apart just as the lightsaber had been torn in two when she left. The same would happen to him if she refused his offer again. He felt that he belonged with her. The Force had brought them together for a reason. He knew that they were meant to be on the same side and if she asked him to join her, he didn't think that he would be able to refuse her.

He decided that he would give her one last chance to join him. And if she refused again, he would give up the First Order and his position as Supreme Leader to join her and the Resistance. Even though he knew that the Resistance had no way to defeat the First Order, he would gladly join the losing side to be with her.

And if she asked him to, he would even turn to the Light Side.

He closed his eyes, he was filled with the same resolve that he had felt as he walked into Snoke's throne room, prepared to save Rey at any cost.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now