Anything For You

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Poe lead the Resistance fighters into a shuttle.
"Can you fly one of those?" Ben asked him.
"I can fly anything." Poe replied. "I flew a tie fighter when Finn and I escaped."
"Good," Ben answered, then he pointed to Rose and Finn who were climbing into the shuttle. "Can you fly them out of here?"
"Of course," Poe replied.
Chewbacca, Kaydel, and the droids fallowed Finn and Rose onto the shuttle.
"Aren't you coming with us?" Rey asked, noticing that he left himself out.
"No," he replied. "The shuttle won't make it to Naboo with all of the tie fighters on patrol. You need someone to cover for you."
Then he moved to his tie silencer. Rey fallowed him.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm going with you." She answered. "You're wounded."
"I can still fly," he answered. "I'm Han Solo's son, remember?"
"You asked me to join you, I'm joining you." She replied.
Ben smiled. "I must warn you I can be a little wild when I'm flying." He said.
"So can I." She replied.
Ben looked at her in disbelief.
Finn had been eavesdropping from the shuttle. "Yes, she is." He called.
Ben smiled at Rey. "I would be glad to have you with me, but it will be dangerous."
"Ben, I told you. I would rather die at your side than live alone." She answered.
He took her hand. "So would I," he replied. Then they walked to the tie silencer together. Ben climbed into the pilot's seat. Rey climbed into the back seat.
Poe flew the shuttle out of the the star destroyer. Ben fallowed him.
At first they were able to fly away from the star destroyer without any problems.
But then Phasma and the the stormtroopers who had survived broke through the door.
"After them!" Phasma ordered a group of pilots.
The pilots quickly climbed into their tie fighters and set out after the group of rebels.
Poe watched as five tie fighters came out of the star destroyer. "We've got company!" He said to Ben through the com link.
"Just keep going, we'll take care of the tie fighters." Ben replied to Poe.
"Got it," He replied and continued towards Naboo.
Finn and Rose moved towards the triggers of the shuttle and prepared to fire on any enemy ships that got to close.
Ben opened fire on the approaching tie fighters.
"What do you need me to do?" Rey asked.
"Can you fire the extra blasters?" He asked.
"Yes," she replied, grabbing the trigger. Then she began firing at the tie fighters.
Ten more tie fighters approached. Ben swung his tie silencer towards them.
"Is that Kylo Ren?" One of the pilots asked his comrades through the com link. He didn't know that the com link was still connected to Kylo's tie silencer.
"Yes, it is." He said, with a smirk.
"Oh no!" Said another of the pilots.
"Open fire!" Called their leader.
The tie fighters opened fire on Kylo's tie silencer. But he flew speedily towards them firing rapidly at them and spinning quickly as he went to evade their return fire.
Before he reached the group of tie fighters, he had shot them all down, and sent them exploding into flames.
"Whoa!!" Said Rey, but she wore a big smile on her face.
Ben turned to glance at her. "Are you okay?" He asked.
Rey nodded. "That was fun!" She said.
Ben smiled. "Sorry, I got a little carried away, I'm used to flying alone."
"Then why do you have two seats?"  She asked.
"In case I find a worthy copilot. Someone who doesn't mind my spinning, can handle the backup guns, and knows how to make minor repairs to the ship." He said. "Someone like you."
Rey blushed. "Can we do the spinning thing again?" She asked, a little shyly.
Ben smiled even wider. "Anything for you," He said. Then he spun towards another group of tie fighters. As he did, he sent a rapid fire at the enemy. This time Rey also fired on the tie fighters, and they were destroyed in half the time.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now