Please Come Back To Me, Sweetheart

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Ben approached Snoke's throne and knelt before him.
Snoke laughed, a sound that had always sent chills up Ben's spine. "I am glad you have finally made the right choice, Kylo. Now that I have taken all of your weaknesses... all that you care about, I can feel your strength growing."
Rey could feel him growing uneasy. "It's okay Ben... I'm here," she told him through the Force. She felt his breathing settled and his heart rate return to normal.
"It is a shame that you were not strong enough to turn the girl. She would have been a great ally at our side," Snoke went on. "But you were no match for her... it only took a simple glance for her to steal your heart. Just like your father... weak and foolish. Your grandfather never would have given up everything for a girl."
Ben clenched his fists. "Now?" he asked Rey, his voice pleading in her mind. She could tell that it was hard for him to listen to Snoke's words.
"It's as good a time as any," she replied.
"You're wrong," Ben replied.
"About what?" Snoke asked.
"About everything," Ben replied. "My father wasn't weak or foolish. And my grandfather did give up everything for a girl... for my grandmother. He only turned to the Dark Side because he was trying to save her, but I know the truth. The Dark Side does not possess the power to save those I care about... love is the only power strong enough to do that."
As he spoke the words, Rey removed her helmet and ignited her double sided blue lightsaber.
Snoke looked at her, surprised. "How is this possible?" he asked.
Ben stared at him with a dangerous glint in his eyes as he ignited both his grandfather's lightsaber and his own. "Palpatine made my grandfather believe that love wasn't strong enough to save my grandmother, but I know the truth... love is the only thing powerful enough to stop the ones you love from dying," he said. "I can't live without her and that's what gave me the strength to save her."
Snoke looked between the two of them, and when he had finally overcame his shock, he cackled menacingly. "Your connection is strong, I can feel it. It is stronger than any force-bond in recent memory. Your connection has grown even stronger since you were joined as one in the force, yet it seems to come to it's climax as you have shown the greatest form of love... the willingness to die for her. It was there before but I didn't since it... if she dies, then so will you."
Ben didn't reply, he knew that Snoke spoke the truth. He could feel it himself.
"And now both of you will die... I will make you watch as I kill her, and as she takes her last breath so will you."
"No!" Ben yelled. "I won't let you hurt her."
"What can you do to stop me?" Snoke asked, he reached out towards Rey freezing her where she stood. He lifted Rey into the air with the Force, causing her saber to slip from her hands.
Snoke moved his hand and she screamed in pain. Ben groaned, feeling everything that she felt. But he staggered forward, towards Snoke. Snoke turned to glare at him, he stretched his hand out towards him and shot him with force-lighting. Ben flew backwards, hitting the wall behind him.
Rey let out a soft cry as she felt the pain of the electric current go through his body.
Snoke continued to electrocute Ben, until Rey felt him go unconscious, and her own body went limp from his pain. Her body went numb and she felt nothing...nothing but the ever present feeling of Ben's heartbeat within her chest.
"Ben" she called to him through the Force, but there was no reply. "Ben."
She struggled to turn to look at him where he lay unmoving in a heap on the floor. She sensed that he was unconscious and that it was the reason she could barely move.
"Please come back to me, sweetheart." As she spoke the words in his mind, he regained consciousness and stirred slightly.
He turned to look at her and their eyes locked as they both lay on the floor unable to move.
Snoke was surprised that he'd regained consciousness so quickly, but it was of no consequence, this way he would feel the pain as he killed Rey. He would see the hurt on her face and watch the light disappear from her eyes, before he drew his last breath.
"Now you and your scavenger girl will die," Snoke said.
Rey struggled, reaching her hand out to Ben. He looked at her and reached out to take her hand, but they weren't close enough to touch. Ben struggled and began to crawl towards her with all of the strength that he had left. He groaned in pain with each move he made, but he was desperate for her hand... her touch. He could see the inevitable, and he wanted to die in her arms. As Rey saw him moving towards her she was filled with desperation to reach him. She moved, dragging herself across the floor to meet him.
Snoke laughed cruelly as they struggled desperately trying to reach each other, moving inches at a time. "If you can make it to each other, then I'll let you die in each other's arms."
Ben felt that he could go no farther, he collapsed on the floor laying on his stomach but he continued to pull himself closer, she was only a few feet in front of him when his body refused to move another muscle. He reached out, stretching as far as he could, trying to grab her hand.
She reached out for him, but still there were a few inches between their fingertips.
Snoke struck Rey with a blast of force-lightening, she screamed in pain and Ben let out a loud cry, both because he could feel her pain and because he had to watch the one he loved more than anyone else scream in agony.
"I love you, Ben," she said as she felt the end drawing near, and he sensed her desire to be in his arms as she drew her last breath.
There was nothing he could do to save her, as he was just as close to death as she was. But personally he could somehow find the strength to give her what she wanted, to spend their last moments together.
"I love you too sweetheart," he answered, he willed the Force with all of his strength and pulled her to him. He was so weak that she only moved slightly towards him, but it was far enough that he could reach out and touch his fingertips to hers.
The contact between them seemed to dim the pain slightly. Ben reached out with the Force, attempting to pour what was left of his life into her.
But what he didn't know was that she was doing the same thing, attempting to give her life force to him to keep him from dying. She knew that they were bound even in death, but she hoped that she could find a way to keep him alive even if she died.
The Force that they were attempting to pour into one another met in their fingertips and a bright, blinding light immersed from their fingers, growing brighter and brighter. The Force between them grew so strong that it caused a surge of energy. A bright burning light filled the room, then there was nothing... nothing but darkness.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now