The Wedding

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A few days later...
Ben stood by the stone banister near the edge of the lake. He looked out at all of the people who had gathered. He had wanted this to be more quiet...just him, Rey, his mother, Chewbacca, Temiri, Arashell and Oniho. But Rey had asked him if it was okay if she invited a few of her friends...he'd agreed, he didn't mind Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel coming to their wedding.
But instead most of the Resistance had turned up along with a few members of Naboo's court, since someone...probably his mother...invited Queen Natalia to the ceremony.
Looking out at the crowd, Ben felt nervous. He hadn't liked being in crowds during his time in the First Order, but at least he'd had his mask then and no one could see him. Now everyone was looking at him and he had no way to hide.
His mother was standing next to him, she turned to look at him, smiling encouragingly.
Ben smiled back, trying to hide his nervousness. He took several deep breaths trying to call himself.
Finally the wedding began and the groomsmen, Finn and Poe walked down the aisle to stand next to them. Even though Ben hadn't known them very long, they were the only friends that he had.
Moments later the bridesmaids, Rose and Kaydel came down the aisle. Ben sensed Finn blushing next to him as he watched Rose approaching in the elegant blue dress that she wore. Ben smirked and bumped him gently, only causing Finn to blush even more.
Next were the ring bearers, Temiri and Oniho. Then Arashell walked down the aisle dropping petals as she went.
Then he saw her...Rey, the one he loved more than anyone. He was already bound to her in the a way they were already married, but he wanted to make his love for her known to all.
She wore a white outfit similar to the one she'd worn on Jakku, but it was a pure bright white. Rey wasn't really into fancy dresses and jewelry, but she had dressed up a little for the occasion replacing her normal wraps with white lace and wrapping her arms with silk ribbons instead of the normal fabric she wore.
She knew that Ben loved her no matter what...but still she wanted to look nice for him on their wedding day, so she'd even let Leia curl the loose strands of her hair.
In her hand she held a bouquet of wildflowers from the meadows of Naboo.
Ben looked at her with his mouth opened slightly and his eyes scanning every inch of her.
Rey blushed but couldn't help a small smile at the way he was looking at her. She reddened even more as she felt him thinking about how beautiful she was.
He smiled affectionately in return.
Rey passed her bouquet to Rose. Then she took his hands, feeling the Force flowing between them.
"You look beautiful," she heard heard him say in her mind.
She blushed, squeezing his hands gently.
As the leader of the Resistance and the last princess of Alderaan, Leia had the authority to preform a marriage ceremony ... and so Rey and Ben had chosen her to unite them as husband and wife.
"We have gathered here today to celebrate the union of my son, Ben Solo to Rey, they share a bound through the Force like no other, but now they wish to bound in marriage as well," Leia began. She turned to her future daughter-in-law. "Rey, do you promise to love Ben as long as both shall live?"
Rey looked into Ben's eyes. "With all of my heart," she replied affectionately, instead of with the traditional "I do."
Leia turned to her son. "Do you promise to love Rey as long as you both shall live?"
Ben brushed his thumb across the top of her hand. "With all of my heart," he repeated her statement.
"Rey, do you take Ben as your husband... to be eternally bound to him by love and by the Force?"
"Yes, I do," she answered, sincerely.
"Ben, do you take Rey as your wife, to be eternally bound to her by love and by the Force?"
"I do," he answered.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife..." she smiled broadly at them both. " may kiss the bride."
Ben didn't hesitate, despite the crowd gathered to watch them. He reached one arm around her waist, pulling her close. He placed his hand on her cheek and pressed his lips against hers.
She melted into his kiss instantly, claiming his lips passionately.
After a moment, he pulled away slightly. "I love you," he breathed against her lips.
"I know," she whispered, pulling him back to her until their lips met again.

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