The Celebration

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Ben was getting a bit stronger, but his injuries still made him weak. Rey gently assisted him to the celebration.
Leia was seated next to Queen Natalia at the head of the table. She smiled as she saw her son join the celebration. She could see he was still weak, but getting stronger. Her smile grew wider as she saw Rey helping him into the banquet hall, where the celebration was being held. She could never thank Rey enough for bringing her son back. She had tried herself, as had Luke and Han. But it was Rey who brought him back to the light, she was his Rey of light.
Thinking about it made curious, she still hadn't heard the story of how Rey had brought him back from the Dark Side. She wanted to ask him, but she was surrounded by the Resistance leaders and rulers of Naboo. She felt that it was a personal conversation best had alone with her son, and perhaps Rey, if he wanted her there. And Leia thought he would. She was grateful to Rey not only for bringing her son back, but also for being so willing to forgive him. And for being a good friend to him, the friend Ben had never had, but always needed, Leia realized.
Ben saw his mother sitting there and stopped in his tracks. Rey looked up at Ben, wondering why he had stopped. She saw that he was staring at something, she followed his gaze to see Leia. She looked back at Ben to see his eyes filled with love for his mother. She smiled, then wrapped her arm around his waist and helped him around the table to her.
They stopped when they stood behind her.
Leia saw them coming and stood up to greet them.
Ben looked down at her. "I love you, mother." He said, then he bent down and kissed her cheek.
Leia smiled, remembering when Ben was a boy. "I love you too." She said. She reached up and touched his face, her hand falling on his scar. "What happened?" She asked.
Ben blushed and looked at Rey, who was also blushing. "It's a long story mother." He said shyly.
Leia reached up and kissed his cheek. "I would love to hear about it." She said.
"Do you have time?" Ben asked.
"I always have time for you." Leia answered, she realized that nothing was more important than spending time with her son.
"If I only realized that sooner, he wouldn't have felt so lonely and may have not turned to the Dark Side." She thought silently.
"Thank you, mother." He said.
"Tonight after the celebration, I would like to hear about it." She said.
"Okay," he answered.
Leia smiled at him, then sat back down with the other leaders.
"Where do you want to sit, Ben?" Rey asked.
Ben looked around at the Resistance, the old rebels, the people of Cantonica and the people of Naboo. All of them were glaring at him and giving him looks that said they didn't trust or welcome him. Suddenly he began to feel very uncomfortable. He wished he had his helmet so he could hide in it, but he knew that would only make things worse.
"Alone," he whispered.
Rey looked at Ben she could sense that he didn't feel comfortable. "You're not alone." She answered.
"Neither are you." He replied.
"Ben, I made a promise." She said.
Ben gave her a puzzled look.
"I promised I wouldn't leave you," She said. "I told you that you wouldn't have to be alone anymore."
Ben smiled at her. "Thank you," he said, he didn't want to be alone anymore and he was glad to have Rey with him.
Rey saw Poe, Finn and Rose sitting with lieutenant Kaydel, Chewbacca and the droids.
Finn and Rose waved, gesturing for Rey and Ben to join them. Rey smiled and waved back.
"Why don't we sit with my friends, they'll welcome you." She said.
Ben nodded and Rey took his hand and led him over to the table where her friends were seated.
"Hi Rey!" Finn exclaimed as they approached.
"Hello Finn!" Rey replied.
"Hi Ben!" Finn added.
Ben gave a small wave in response.
"We saved you a seat," Rose said, gesturing to two empty chairs.
"Thanks," said Rey, sitting down in on of the chairs.
Ben slowly sat down in the chair next to her.
Rey and Ben filled their plates and began to eat.
"We're glad you've joined the Resistance, Kylo." Said Kaydel. "I'm lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix."
"Nice to meet you," Said Ben, then he looked at Rey and gave her a small smile. "It's Ben, actually." He said. "Ben Solo."
Kaydel nodded and smiled.
Chewbacca growled.
Ben allowed a small smile to appear on his face. "I missed you too, Chewy." He Said. "I'm sorry for ... everything."
Chewbacca replied in a series of grunts, which meant that he forgave him.
"Thank you," Ben answered.
"Do you think they'll be back?" Finn asked no one in particular.
Everyone turned to stare at him.
"The First Order?" He added.
"Hux is leading them." Ben answered. "They'll be back."
"That skinny guy!" Said Poe. "I'm not afraid of him."
"Neither am I," Ben answered. "But we were outnumbered today, and that wasn't even a third of the First Order's army."
"Do you think we have a chance?" Asked Rose.
"If Hux is as smart as he claims, he won't attack us until he has the First Order at its strongest. We may have been outnumbered today, but we still won." Said Ben. "It won't be good for us if he brings the whole fleet here to fight us, but it may just buy us some time."
Rey nodded.
"I could send for my knights, they are loyal to me. Not to the First Order or the Dark Side. Once I tell them that I was wrong for leading them to the Dark Side, they will come to the Light Side, and join the Resistance as I did." Said Ben.
Poe thought for a moment. The knights of Ren could be helpful allies against the First Order. But he wasn't sure he was ready to trust Ben enough to let him make contact with the enemy. "Ben, I forgive you and I welcome you to the Resistance. But I'm not sure that I trust you enough to allow you to call upon our enemies yet." He said.
Ben nodded, he understood and he doubted that anyone but Rey would ever really trust and accept him.
"Maybe we should bring the fight to the First Order, before they have a chance to regroup." Finn suggested.
"That's a good idea," Rose agreed.
"For now why don't we enjoy this victory?" Said Poe. "I don't want to make any plans without talking to the General first."
Finn, Rose and Kaydel nodded, remembering what had happened the last time they made a plan without telling anyone else about it.

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