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The next morning, Rey and Ben prepared to leave. Chewbacca helped them as they loaded all of the supplies that they needed onto the Millennium Falcon.
Finn and Rose stepped outside to find Ben, Rey and Chewie carrying various items onto the Falcon.
"What's going on?" Finn asked.
Rey and Ben exchanged glances.
"Are we going somewhere?" Rose asked.
"Ach-To," Ben replied in low voice.
Finn's brow creased. "When are we leaving?"
Rey looked at Ben for a moment then she stepped closer to Finn. "Ben and I are going alone," she whispered.
"This is a mission that we have to do alone," Rey answered. She looked at Ben again, then back to Finn and Rose. "We're counting on both of you and Poe to defend the Resistance while we're gone, you're the only ones we can trust."
"But we need you here," Rose turned to look at Ben. "Both of you. You're the only ones strong enough to stop the First Order."
Finn nodded.
Ben stepped forward. "Rey found a way to stop Snoke," he whispered. He, Rey and his mother had decided to keep the mission a secret, the less who knew about it the less likely it was for the First Order to discover their plans. But he felt they could trust Finn and Rose with the truth.
"You have?" Finn asked.
"Ben and I have to go to Ach-To alone," Rey answered.
"Why?" Rose asked.
"Ach To is strong with the Force, both the Light Side and the Dark Side, if we go there together we can become one in the Force." Rey explained.
"Alone we are no match for Snoke, but together we are stronger than him," said Ben.
Finn nodded, pretending to understand. Then he went over to Rey, and hugged her tightly. "Goodbye, Rey," he said.
"Goodbye, Finn," she answered.
Finn went over to Ben. "Take care of Rey, I love her like a sister."
"I will protect her with my life Finn, I promise," he answered.
Finn looked over at Rose then back at Ben. "I know. Love is worth dying for."
Ben nodded.
Finn and Rose said goodbye one last time before they left.
Chewbacca came over and growled: "it's all packed."
"Thanks Chewie," said Ben. "Take care of my mother while I'm gone."
"I will," he replied in a series of growls.
"I know," Ben answered hugging the Wookiee. Chewbacca had always been like an uncle to him. Ben smiled as the Wookiee messed up his thick dark hair, just like he did when he was little.
Chewbacca released Ben from the tight hug, and he looked at Rey, "I have to tell Temiri goodbye before we leave, otherwise he might never forgive me. And I will never be able to forgive myself."
Rey smiled at him and nodded, her parents hadn't told her goodbye before they left and that was one pain that she had never been able to let go of.
Ben pressed his forehead against her's "come with me," he whispered. "Temiri will want to see you too, he wants you to be his mother, that is if you want to be."
Rey smiled and kissed his cheek, "I do," she answered. "In fact I think that we should take all of the children in. I don't want them to grow up without a family like I did."
Ben smiled, "I feel the same," he answered. Then he took her hand and led her back inside.
They found the children in the sitting room playing with their toys. Leia was sitting in an arm chair, smiling as she watched them play.
Ben went over to the children and knelt down. "Temiri, I have to go," he whispered.
Temiri looked at him. "Can I come too?"
"Not this time kid," he said gently scrubbing his head. Then he stood and turned to leave, he looked at Rey, she could tell that he was holding back his tears. She knew that he didn't want to leave the boy, she sensed that he feared that Temiri would feel the way he felt when his parents left him to train with his uncle, abandoned. And he couldn't bare to see the boy's disappointment any longer.
"Dad, please don't go," Temiri pleaded.
Ben closed his eyes and a single tear fell down his cheek, he had never been called: 'dad' before and he realized how much Temiri truly saw him as a father figure. He turned back towards the boy and knelt down in front of him, placing his hands on his shoulders. "Temiri, I don't want to leave you but I have to go, Snoke is still alive. Rey and I are the only ones who can stop him, we have to go so that you and your friends can grow up in peace, in a free galaxy."
Temiri nodded. "Can I help?"
Ben smiled at him and nodded. "Stay here and look after your friends," he said. Then he looked over at his mother. "And take care of my mother, she has promised to look after you while we're gone. Be good for her, you don't want to see her in a bad mood."
Temiri looked at Leia and nodded. "I'll make sure she's safe."
Ben pulled Temiri into a hug. "I promise I'll come back."
Ben stood and went over to Oniho and Arashell to tell them goodbye.
Rey smiled at Temiri as she knelt down to look into his eyes. She gently moved the stray strains of hair out of his face. "Don't worry Temiri, Ben isn't going to leave you, I promise."
"What about you?"
"I'm not going to leave you either," she answered.

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