You're Not Alone

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Later that day....
Ben carried a box of supplies into the dining hall. He sat the box on one of the tables. Temiri peeked inside eagerly.
"I promised you that I would help you with your action figures." Ben told him, as he took out the supplies.
"Really?" Temiri asked.
"Of course." Ben replied. "I made a promise."
Arashell and Oniho timidly came over to join them.
"These are my best friends; Arashell and Oniho." Temiri said, gesturing to both of them in turn. "This is Ben, my new father."
"Are you a Jedi?" Arashell asked.
Ben nodded.
"Woah." Said Oniho.

Rey was sitting in a quiet corner, reading the Jedi manuscripts. She hoped to find some way to defeat Snoke within the ancient pages.
There were many things that she did not yet understand, but she had discovered the true source of Snoke's power. He got his power from the Dark Side. But he also got power from pain, both physical and emotional. His own pain and the pain of others. That was why he had been torturing Ben his whole life. He had been fueling his power from Ben's pain. The mere thought of it made Rey want to find Snoke and show him the pain that he had given Ben.
But revenge was not the right path. She knew that she had to defeat Snoke, not because she hated him, but because she had to protect those she loved... the Resistance, Leia... Ben.
If Snoke fueled himself on hate, then she must fuel herself on the only thing strong enough to overcome that hate: Love.
At last as she continued to flip through the pages, she found a way to defeat Snoke once and for all, in a book of prophecies, it was right after the prophecy about the chosen one and the balance in the Force.

... and the chosen one will have an heir, a son of darkness.
When the son of darkness and the daughter of light come together as one in the Force
they will restore balance to the Force and have the power to stop the evil that rules the galaxy...

She stood up, taking the book with her.
She walked quickly down the hall in search of Ben.
She smiled when she found him. He was seated at one of the tables in the dining hall with Temiri. He had promised the boy that he would help him make more action figures. So, he kept his promise and helped him make action figures of the Resistance fighters, Rey and himself.
Rey noticed that the other children Arashell and Oniho were sitting with them. She knew that they wouldn't be afraid of him once they knew who he truly was.
She didn't want to interrupt, but she needed to talk to Ben.
She came up behind where he was sitting and gently rubbed his shoulders. He stopped what he was doing to enjoy her gentle touch.
"I need to talk to you, Ben." She whispered.
He nodded and looked at Temiri. "I'll be right back." He said.
Temiri nodded, barely looking up from the action figure he was working on.
Ben stood up and fallowed Rey out of the banquet hall.
"I think I found a way to defeat Snoke." She said.
"How?" He asked.
"We have to go to Ach-To." She replied. "Alone we are no match for Snoke, but together we are stronger than him. Our connection is the key to defeating him. Together, we could become the strongest force users this galaxy has ever seen. Strong enough to defeat Snoke. But first our bound must become stronger, we must become one."
He leaned down and gently pressed his forehead to hers. "We already are," he whispered.
She placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I know," she whispered. "But to defeat Snoke, we must be completely united, our bond through the Force must become even stronger than it is now."
He smiled. "I would love that," he whispered, gently brushing his fingers across her cheek. "But I would like to be bound to you by something even stronger than the Force, Love..."
"We already are." She interrupted.
"I know, but..." he began. He turned away from her, feeling to nervous to continue speaking or to meet her eyes.
Rey reached up and gently rubbed his back with her hands, before she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him from behind.
He sighed, her gentle touch instantly calming him. He turned in her arms to face her, and pulled her closer to him resting his head on hers. "With all of my heart, I wish that we could be together forever, that we could be married... but I'm too dangerous Rey."
She looked at him. "You want to marry me?" She asked, surprised.
He nodded. "But I can't."
"Why not?" She asked, a little sad.
"What if Snoke takes my mind again? What if I hurt you?" He asked.
"You gave your heart to me Ben, and your heart is stronger than Snoke's hold on your mind." She answered.
"But... my nightmares... what if this is what they are warning me against? What if I cause you to die? I can't loose you Rey." He said.
"And I can't live without you Ben," she whispered. She leaned her head against his chest, wrapping her arms tighter around him. "I would rather spend just one moment in your arms than a lifetime alone."
He leaned his head on her shoulder "You're not alone." He whispered, before placing several slow kisses on her neck.
She closed her eyes enjoying his gentle touch. "Neither are you," She whispered.
He ceased his kisses on her neck and looked into her eyes. "Rey, after all of this is over, will you marry me?" He asked.
She reached up and kissed his lips gently, before smiling and pressing her forehead against his. "Yes," she whispered. Then she leaned closer to him, and kissed him again, more passionately

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now