Stronger Together

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Poe and Finn still didn't trust Ben fully. But they decided to give him a second chance. They could see that he was not the same person he once was.
They went through the halls as quickly as they could, making their way to the ships.
They ran into a group of five stormtroopers. Rose, Kaydel, Finn and Poe blasted their way through the stormtroopers, before they could reach them.
Then they continued through the halls, keeping their eyes open for more stormtroopers. But none came.
Finally, they came to the door that lead to the landing bay. Rose walked over to the control panel and pressed the button. But nothing happened. She pressed it again, still nothing happened. "It won't open!" She said.
Just then they heard footsteps behind them. They turned to see more stormtroopers coming towards them.
"We're trapped!" Finn exclaimed.
Rey smiled. "No, we're not." She said. She went over to the panel and removed it from the wall. Then she began rearranging the wiring.
"What are you doing?" Ben asked.
"Opening the door." She answered.
Ben looked back at the stormtroopers. "They're almost here," he said. "I think I can stand alone for now."
Finn nodded, releasing Ben's arm. Then he, Poe and the others grabbed their blasters and began firing at the stormtroopers.
Ben held up his hand to stop the enemy fire. Then, he sent the blasts back the way they had come. The group of stormtroopers fell under their own fire.
The small band of Resistance fighters turned and stared at him.
"Nice shot!" Poe exclaimed.
Ben looked down, he was not used to receiving praise or complements of any kind. Snoke, his former master had always found his faults and pointed them out to him. Even when he did everything Snoke said, it wasn't good enough. And no one else in the First Order ever said anything nice to him, and if they did, they never meant it.
"Thank you," he said, quietly.
"Couldn't you have done that sooner?" Finn asked.
"I would have, but I had to wait for them to fire at us." Ben answered.
"I see your point," Finn replied.
Just then, more stormtroopers came down the hall and approached them. This time there were more of them.
"Rey! Hurry up with that door!" Finn yelled.
"Almost done!" Rey called back, as she twisted two wires together.
Finn turned back and was surprised to see a crone figure leading the stormtroopers up the hall. "Phasma!" He said in disbelief. "I killed you."
"Obviously, you didn't." She answered.
"I saw you fall into a hole, and burn." Finn replied.
"My armor protected me from the fire." She said. "Then General Hux found me and got me out."
"Hux?" Ben asked, in disbelief.
"Well, he ordered the stormtroopers to get me out." She explained.
"Typical." Ben replied. Hux would never risk his life to save someone.
Finn nodded.
Phasma had been speaking to Finn. But now she turned to Ben. "Ah, Kylo Ren, I see you've decided to join the traitor." She turned to glare at Finn through her visor. Then she looked at the Resistance fighters. "And the rebels." She added.
"No, Phasma, I joined the Light Side." He said.
"Well, you chose the wrong side." Said Phasma. And she raised her blaster preparing to fire.
"Yes, I did. I chose the wrong side when I joined the First Order, and the Dark Side." He replied.
"If you want to join these rebels, then you can die with them." Said Phasma. Then she and the other stormtroopers opened fire on the group.
Ben held up his hand to stop the blasts.
Just then, Rey opened the doors. "Come on!" She called.
They all ran out the open door. But Ben stayed behind to stop the blasts from hitting them as they made their retreat. The air before him was already crowded with red beams from the stormtroopers' blasters. Phasma and the stormtroopers sent rapid fire at the fleeing Resistance fighters. Ben continued to stop the blasts, but they were beginning to overwhelm him. It took great strength for him to continue holding back the fire with the Force. He soon began to grow weak. He collapsed to his knees, but he kept his hand stretched out to stop the blasts.
Rey waited by the door as her friends passed through. Once they had all made it through, she noticed that Ben was not among them.
She could feel that something was wrong. She and Ben shared a link in the Force, and she could feel it growing stronger as they grew closer. It had began with dreams and visions of each other, before they met. Then they had begun to have strong Force connections, where they could see, hear, and touch each other. Now they could feel each other's emotions, and pain. Rey could feel Ben using the Force in great amounts, she could feel his strength beginning to fade. She sensed that if he continued this way he would fall unconscious to the floor.
"Ben!" She called.
Ben glanced back at her. "Go, I'll hold them off." He called back. "Go on without me."
"I'm not leaving you!" She said.
"Please, Rey, I don't want you to get hurt." He answered. "I can't loose you. I can't live without you."
"I can't live without you either." She answered. "I would rather die by your side, than be forced to live without you." She ran over to him.
"Rey, please go." He said weakly.
"Not without you," She replied. "We can beat them together."
"How?" He asked.
Rey knelt down beside him. She placed her hand on his outstretched hand. Then they used the Force together to send the blasts back at the stormtroopers. Within seconds the stormtroopers all fell. Ben took a deep sigh of relief. Then he grabbed Rey and hugged her.
"We're stronger together." She said. Then she helped him to his feet. She put her arm around him to assist him through the door.
Once they were through the door, Rey went to the control panel and locked it so the stormtroopers couldn't fallow them onto the landing bay.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now