60 | Bound Together

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Rey and Ben pulled away from each other, surprised by the strong visions they had each seen. Their eyes were filled with tears. They had each seen the most painful moment of the others life. For once they truly understood each other. They understood each other's pain. But they also felt the comfort the other had offered them. They no longer felt lonely.

Ben gently wiped the tears from Rey's face.

Then they wrapped their arms around each other and kissed again.

The first time they kissed, they had been timid. They had been afraid to admit their love for each other. They were supposed to be enemies, and in order to be together they both knew they would have to give up everything. But now they knew it would be worth it. They loved each other enough to give up everything so they could be together. The First Order, the Resistance, the Sith, the Jedi, even the Force. They were no longer afraid of falling in love. Whatever happened, they both knew they would face it together. They were no longer alone, and they would never let the other feel lonely again.

Their kiss was filled with compassion, love and affection. And because it was, their bond grew stronger. This time, when they kissed they didn't see each other's past. Instead they saw their future, their future together. But the future was less clear than the past, while the past was set like stone, the future was fluid and ever changing, like water. Before, they had seen each other's pain, now they saw each other's hopes and dreams.

Ben found himself standing near a river. He was confused, was this another part of Rey's past?

He turned to see Rey looking out at the water. She was wearing a beautiful white dress, and she looked happy and beautiful. Her hair blew in the gentle breeze.

All Ben could do was stare at her. He didn't understand what the vision meant. He hoped it meant that her future would be happy.

Rey also had a glimpse of the future. But her vision was even more confusing than Ben's. The only thing she could see were two hands clasped together. It was a beautiful vision, though she didn't understand it. The vision was not clear, but blurred.

At last, they released each other. They stared at each other for a long moment.

They both wondered if they should tell the other about the visions they had seen.

Ben was about to tell Rey. But somehow, he couldn't find the words to describe what he had seen. He wanted to tell Rey about the visions, but he had trouble expressing himself. He wasn't used to anyone listening to him the way Rey did. He realized that his mouth was open and Rey was waiting for him to speak. Quickly he came up with something to say. He tried to say something kind and romantic, but he felt like the words did not fully express his true feelings for her. But he wanted to make sure she knew that she wasn't alone anymore, and never would be again. "The Force has bound us together," said Ben, touching her face gently. "I will never leave you."

"I won't leave you either," she promised. Ben had thought that his words were not enough, but to Rey they were everything. No one had ever promised her that they wouldn't leave her. In fact it seemed all those closest to her ever did was leave. That was why Rey had always been afraid of becoming close to someone, because she was afraid that if she did, they would leave her, like her parents did.

As Ben said the words she looked into his eyes, and saw that he meant them. She knew he had felt the same abandonment that she carried with her. And because he had felt it, she knew he would not want to cause someone else to feel it. She looked into his eyes and saw that he needed her as much as she needed him. She moved her gaze from his eyes to his face, and saw the terrible scar she had given him. Now she felt guilty for it. She could see that it had caused him pain that went deeper than his skin. She could see that she had not only scared his face, but his heart as well.

Ben noticed that she was looking at his scar, and he began to blush a little from embarrassment. He hoped that she wasn't bothered by it. He lowered his eyes not daring to look into her face and see her reaction to the scar. He was about to turn his head away from her, to hide the scar from her sight. But to his surprise she lifted her hand, reached out and gently touched the scar on his face. At her touch, he raised his eyes to gaze at her once again. And when he looked at her face, her expression showed no signs of disgust or hatred, only sympathy and compassion. She touched the place where his scar began. Then she ran her fingers along the scar softly.

Ben closed his eyes, enjoying her gentle touch.

"I'm sorry I gave you this," she whispered.

Ben opened his eyes to look at Rey. He could see the guilt and remorse on her face. He couldn't allow her to blame herself like this. "I deserved it," he answered.

Rey shook her head. "I know it caused you a lot of pain," she said.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," he reassured her. Ben reached up and touched her hand, which still touched his face. "This way I can keep a part of you with me, always."

"I didn't mean to break you," she said.

"Break me?" he asked, smiling. "It is you who has put me back together." She smiled back at him, but he could still see the guilt in her eyes. "Besides, my grandfather had a scar by his right eye too."

"How do you know?" Rey asked. "I thought he wore a mask."

"His Force ghost didn't," Ben replied, and he smiled at her.

Rey smiled back.

"Rey I promise I will protect you, I won't let anyone hurt you," he said.

Rey hugged him, and Ben suddenly remembered Hux's threat to torture Rey. He couldn't let him hurt Rey. Ben knew he had to find a way to get her out of there. He pulled away from her suddenly. "I have to get you out of here," he said. "I'll get you out, I promise."

Rey was surprised by the desperation and concern in his voice. "Is everything okay?" she asked.

"I can't let them hurt you," he said, then he vanished.

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