The Celebration

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That evening, Finn, Rose, Poe, Kaydel, Rey and Ben, along with the rest of the Resistance and the Queen's army had been invited to the palace to celebrate the Resistance's victory over the First Order.
The whole galaxy celebrated being free again for the first time in decades. On Endor bound fires blazed high into the night sky. On Corosaunt, Naboo, and Takodana fireworks erupted in the dark, while singing and dancing filled the streets.
Peace and balance had returned to the galaxy for the first time in decades, and they all hoped that it would stay this time...
...but Ben knew different, he knew that as long as the shattered pieces of the First Order remained...war was inevitable. Hux and Phasma had escaped along with other leaders, such as Allegiant General Pryde, they still had weapons and ships, not to mention countless fighters. It would take time, but eventually they would rebuild the First Order.
Rey offered him a smile, sensing the inner despair he kept well hidden from the others. "Today is a joyful day, don't let your worries ruin it. We'll face it when it comes."
Ben smiled back realizing that she was right, he should enjoy this moment with her, with his mother, the children he loved as his own, her friends that were quickly become his friends as well...his family, he realized. He and Rey finally had what they wanted most of all...a place to belong.
Ben offered his hand to her. "May I have this dance?"
She smiled, accepting his hand and following as he led her out onto the dance floor. She stood close to him, laying her head on his chest as they danced in slow circles.
Finn quickly followed Ben's example and asked Rose to join him in a dance as well.
Poe, not wanting to be left out looked around for a dance partner. His eyes landed on Kaydel who stood nearby. He went over to her, a charming smirk on his face as he extended his hand.
She blushed and accepted it, then they joined the dance.
Rey lifted her head up to look at Ben. He smiled cheekily at her and she felt her feet lift up off of the ground. She gasped and gripped the back of his shirt, clinging to him. He smiled and giggled softly as she did, but he wrapped his arms around her tightly so that she would feel secure.
She looked down to see the floor a few inches beneath their feet, and she realized that he had used the Force to lift them off of the floor. She looked back up at him and smiled, enjoying how light she felt, almost like flying.
He smiled back at her, before lowering them both back down to the ground.
As the dance ended, Rey and Ben slowly, hesitantly released each other's hands, as they stepped off of the dance floor.
Ben smiled as he saw the three children playing together in the corner. He knelt down in front of Arashell, taking her hand gently. "May I have this dance?" he asked her.
She smiled and nodded excitedly.
Rey smiled as she watched Ben lead her onto the dance floor. She loved how gentle and kind Ben was with the three children. He might seem tough and dark on the outside, but she knew that deep down he was kind and gentle.
She sat down on the floor next to the two boys, not caring that people were watching her. She listened intently as they showed her their collection of ships and action figures.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now