7| The Dark Figure

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Hux was not convinced that Ren could destroy the girl if she wouldn't turn. He was worried that if the girl wouldn't turn, Ren would. He couldn't prove it, but he was sure that Ren had been the one who killed Snoke.

Of course he doubted Ren and the girl would be any match for his master. Perhaps there was nothing to worry about after all, but he decided to report Ren's intentions to his master anyway.

After talking to Ren, Hux left to speak to the Supreme Leader. Ren thought that he was in charge, but he wasn't. Kylo thought that he was the Supreme Leader, but Hux secretly served another Supreme Leader. A stronger more powerful Supreme Leader, who unlike Ren, had no weaknesses and no compassion. He went into a dark room. In the center of the room stood a dark figure clothed in black.

Hux knelt before him.

"When do you plan to reveal yourself to the First Order and to Ren, Master?" Hux asked.

"He will know soon enough," a deep voice replied. "As for the rest of the First Order, I have them under my thumb." The figure let out a cruel laugh.

Then the dark figure was silent for a moment.

"What did you find out about the girl?" he asked.

"You were right Supreme Leader," he answered. "Ren does have great compassion for her. He said he wants to turn her to the Dark Side. He claims that if she does they can concur the galaxy together. That together they could become the most powerful beings in the galaxy."

"He speaks the truth," the deep voice came from the dark figure. "She is his weakness, but also his strength. He has not yet come to see this. They are bound by the Force. Either he will turn her to the Dark Side, or she will turn him to the Light Side. I have seen it in the Force. I do not know which of them will turn, I only know that one of them will, it is inevitable. They will be on the same side in the end. I cannot allow them to join against together me."

Hux nodded.

"If they work together, even I may not be strong enough to stop them. If she turns to the Dark Side, they will take over the First Order, and things will be out of my control. If he turns to the Light Side they will destroy the First Order. Either way I lose my power ... and so do you."

Hux's head snapped up at his last words.

"We must find a way to keep them apart. To keep them from joining together," said the Supreme Leader. "But keeping them apart is impossible. There is bond between the two of them, a link in the Force."

"Can you break it?" Hux asked.

"No one can create a bond in the Force, and no one can destroy one either. Only the Force itself could do that. Their bond is already one of the strongest connections in the Force. Every day the bond grows stronger, until it will become the strongest bond ever seen. Once it does, even the strongest Force user would not be able to pull them apart. Even death would not separate them. But their bond is not that strong, ...yet. I can't sever it, but perhaps I can use it to our advantage."

Hux nodded.

"I have manipulated Ben Solo his whole life, it wasn't until this girl, ...this scavenger came. It was his compassion for her that freed him from my grasp long enough to save her. But when she refused to join him, when she left him, the door within him that she helped him close was opened and I found my way inside of his mind once again. I poisoned his mind once, I can do it once again. If I can get full control of him, I can use him to get control of the girl. Together they will become the strongest beings in the galaxy. I shall rule them, and who controls them shall rule the galaxy."

Hux smiled, but then something came to him. "What if Ren is somehow able to resist you? How will we keep them apart?"

"We cannot keep them apart. But if my plan to concur his mind fails, we must turn them against each other. They each have both hate and compassion for the other. If we feed the hate, it will grow. The more hate grows the smaller compassion becomes. And when that happens their bond will become thin and they will turn on each other."

A cruel smile formed on Hux's lips.

"If we're lucky, they'll destroy each other," the Supreme Leader Said with an evil laugh.

"What if Ren is strong enough to defeat the girl?" Hux asked.

"We will see if he is strong enough to face the girl. If he is, I might let him live. Without the girl, he will be powerless to resist me. He will be a powerful apprentice. I could use him. With the girl gone, he will never again question the power of the Dark Side."

"Yes Supreme Leader," said Hux. "What if she defeats him instead?"

"Then she will become my new apprentice..." said the deep voice. "...or else I will end her."

"But for now we must focus on the first plan, concurring Ren and using him to ensnare the girl. We must pull him to the Dark Side fully. Once I have a hold on him, he will take the girl with him. She will turn and once she does, she will be mine."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." The cruel smile remained plastered across Hux's face. "What do you need me to do?"

"Keep an eye on Ren," the dark figure answered.

"Yes, Supreme Leader," Hux answered.

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