My Only Hope

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The light of dawn filled the cave. Ben opened his eyes slightly to see the light glistening on the water outside of the cave, and shimmering on the ceiling over head.
Rey was still snuggled in his arms, sleeping peacefully. Ben didn't want to wake her, so he laid there holding her, until he felt her stir in his arms.
She opened her hazel eyes and looked at him. She smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Then she looked around. "Where are we?" she asked, groggily.
"A cave beneath the island," he whispered, running his fingers through her hair.
"Right," she said, remembering the events of the previous night.
"Rey... how did Snoke find us here?"
"I don't know, perhaps he is stronger than we thought." She was quite for a moment, lost in thought. "Oh no..."
"What is it?"
"The throne room... he saw my memories, he knows about this place. How could I have been so foolish?"
"You're not foolish, Rey. We had to come here."
She nodded and leaned her head against his chest.
"Do you think we'll be able to defeat Snoke?" Ben asked, they hadn't been able to stop him the night before.
"Yes, but we'll have to face him together," she replied. "Alone he is stronger than us, but together we are stronger. I never should have tried to fight him alone, but he threatened to take you from me. I let my anger get in the way of my judgment, I should have gone to you."
"It's okay, Rey, I would have done the same," he rubbed her back gently.
After a moment, Rey sat up and looked around in the cave. Now that the suns had risen, she could see more of their surroundings. She looked down at Ben, he was exhausted from the events of the previous night, she could feel it. He was still laying on the sandy floor of the cave, she smiled, grains of wet sand were attached to his black hair.
Rey stood up and began walking towards the back of the cave, she could feel something pulling her deeper and deeper into the cave. She caught a glimpse of something just ahead, it looked like a tunnel carved into the cave wall.
"Ben!" she called, she turned around to find that he was standing only a meter behind her.
He smiled and stepped forward taking her hand. "Did you find something?"
"It looks like some kind of tunnel."
Ben nodded, a small smirk appeared on his face. "Do you want to see where it leads?"
Rey smiled she could feel his curiosity, it was almost as strong as her own. Who had put it here? Where did it lead? Rey stepped into the dark tunnel, pulling Ben forward.
The farther they went, the darker it became, and soon it was so dark that she couldn't see a thing in front of her. She stumbled on a stone that littered the cave floor. She nearly fell, but Ben put his arms around her and caught her.
"I can't see a thing," she spoke in a low voice, not sure why she was whispering.
"Let the Force guide you," he breathed against her ear.
Rey closed her eyes and allowed the Force to guide her, why hadn't she thought of that?
"That's it," he said, feeling the Force flowing through her, she used it to sense her surroundings. "I told you that I could show you the ways of the Force."
She smiled. "You've learned a lot about the Force since then," she replied. "And I must confess that I did learn how to use the Force from you, when I looked into your mind, I saw your training."
Ben shook his head. "That's why you knew what I was going to do, before I did it?" He sensed her nodding. "You know I was going lenient on you during our first fight... and all of the fights after?"
"I didn't want to hurt you, I just wanted to teach you, mostly so that I could spend time with you, so that you wouldn't be lonely anymore... and neither would I."
Rey reached back and grabbed his hand. "I know Ben, I know. But you're not alone, and you never will be. I told you that death couldn't separate us, we are a part of each other and there's nothing that can break this link... this bound that we share. I knew that you would do anything in your power to save me. But you shouldn't have... you almost died saving me last night."
"Rey, I would rather die saving you than live without you, I can't face a life without you. Through the darkest part of my life you were my only light... my only hope."
Rey halted, remembering that she had said something similar to Luke "then he's our only hope," but what she had meant was that he was her only hope, her only hope of having someone who cared about her... of having someone who cared about her. She turned around to face him, stepping closer to him. "And you're mine," she whispered, then she kissed him lovingly.

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