62 | Finn

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General Hux was in the command center. He busy planning how to take over the First Order. Tomorrow he would expose Ren's weakness, and his compassion for their enemy. He could see it and now he had found a way to expose it to the whole First Order. Then he and Phasma would lead the First Order, and rule the galaxy. The supreme leader would make them unstoppable.

"Excuse me, sir," said an officer who was in charge of watching the security cameras in the prison area.

"What do you want?" Hux asked, annoyed by the interruption of his plotting.

"Ren is freeing the girl," the officer replied.

"What!" said Hux, pushing the officer away from the screen so that he could look at it.

He looked at the screen. There he could see the security footage of the hall between the cells. There was Ren and the girl. And he was holding her hand!

Hux gasped. "He has betrayed us for that girl! That scavenger!" he screamed. "Stop them!"

Ben found the cells that held Rey's friends. "Open the cells and release the prisoners," Ben told one of the stormtroopers.

"But sir ...?" the stormtrooper began.

"Open the cells and release the prisoners!" Ben yelled.

The stormtrooper took a step back. He had received orders to stop Ren and the girl. But he was afraid to face both of them.

"Let me handle this," said Rey. She stepped closer to the stormtrooper. "You will open the cells and release the prisoners," she said calmly.

"I will open the cells and release the prisoners," the stormtrooper repeated.

Ben was not used to using mind tricks on the stormtroopers, normally they just did what he told them to without question. Rey looked at Ben and smiled. He had a look of shock and amazement on his face. But it quickly turned into a proud smile. "You handled that well," he said, as the stormtrooper opened the first cell door. "Did my uncle teach you that?"

"No," Rey answered. "I learned that from you."

Ben knew she was talking about the time he kidnapped her and looked into her mind. "I'm sorry for kidnapping you," he said.

Rey smiled at him.

"And for looking into your mind," he added.

"It's okay, that's how I discovered the Force. When you looked into my mind, somehow I could see yours. I saw the Force in you. And that caused it to awaken within me," she answered.

"So I taught you how to use the Force, after all?" he asked.

She smiled and nodded at him.

Inside the cell, Finn paced back and forth. He had seen Rey captured, and still didn't know if she was alright. Now he had been separated from Rose, and he was worried about her. He was also worried about Poe and his other friends.

"This is all Kylo Ren's fault," he said quietly. "If I see him, I'll punch him in the face."

Just then the cell door opened. Finn walked over to the door. There was no one standing guard outside. He looked to the left and saw Rey standing there. She must have escaped somehow.

He rushed over and hugged her. "You're alright!" he exclaimed. "I was so worried about you. I saw Kylo Ren kidnap you. Did he hurt you?"

"No," She answered. "He ..." she was about to tell him that Kylo had turned to the Light Side and helped her escape, but Finn interrupted her.

"If I see him, I'll ..." Finn began, but broke off as he saw Kylo Ren standing behind Rey. Finn charged towards him.

Ben stood ready to face him. No one was taking Rey from him again, no one.

Just as Finn pulled his fist back, ready to punch Kylo, Rey stepped in front of him. "Stop, Finn," she said. "He's on our side. He's the one who set me free."

Finn lowered his fists seeing Rey step in front of him. But he looked over Rey's shoulder, to give Kylo a dirty look, not really paying attention to what Rey was saying.

"Please, Finn, he's my friend," Rey begged. He's more than that she added silently, but thought that she should start slow.

Hearing his friend's plea Finn turned to look at Rey. "He kidnaped you, twice!" he exclaimed. "And now he's your friend!"

Ben coughed. "I hate to interrupt, but if we're going to escape, we better hurry," he said. "We can finish this discussion later."

"Good idea," Rey agreed, then she turned back to Finn. "I'll explain everything later."

"Fine," said Finn.

The stormtrooper began to open the second door and Rey walked over to greet her friends when they came out. With Rey not looking, Finn squinted at Kylo. Ben squinted back.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now