55 | You're My Guest

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Kylo went to find Hux and Phasma. They were in the control room. They stood in front of each other having a private discussion. They were making a plan about how to take the power out of Ren's hands. And how to destroy the girl before his connection to her grew too strong.

They had received reports from BB-9E as well as seen it for themselves, he had too much compassion for her. She would never turn to the Dark Side, and he would never destroy her.

"If only we could distract him long enough, we could send in a group of stormtroopers to destroy the girl," said Hux.
Phasma nodded.

Just then they saw Ren enter the control room and they grew quite all of a sudden.

"Call the stormtroopers back," he ordered. "We need to reorganize our troops."

"Yes sir," said Phasma, then she and Hux watched as he walked away.

"Should I recall the troops?" she asked.

Hux nodded. "We don't want him getting suspicious."

Phasma nodded and gave the order.

A few hours later, Rey still sat in the center of the floor in her cell. She had decided to wait until night to escape. That way there would be less guards and she would have a better chance of escaping with her friends.

Hux had ordered that the prisoners were not to be fed. Rey was beginning to get hungry, but she was used to it. She had spent many nights hungry back on Jakku. She had even come close to starving on several occasions.

Just then she jumped with a start as the cell door opened suddenly. She looked up to see Kylo Ren enter the cell.

She scooted backwards to put some distance between them. Then she stood quickly.

"Don't be afraid," he said gently.

"I'm not afraid of you," she answered.

Sadness filled his eyes, and Rey found that she could hear his thoughts, so clear that it was as if he were speaking them. "She does think that I'm a monster."

"You're not a monster," she said.

"I am a monster," he said, but there was sadness in his voice. He looked into her eyes and handed her a tray of food.

"But ..." she began, knowing that the prisoners weren't supposed to get any food.

"You're my guest," he interrupted. Then he walked towards the cell door.

"Thank you," Rey said as he was about to leave.

Ben turned and looked at her as he closed the cell door.

"Why did you give food to our prisoner?" asked a voice.

Ben turned to see Hux. "She's not our prisoner, she's our guest," he answered. Then he walked away so he wouldn't have to continue this conversation with Hux.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now