11| Hope

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The Millennium Falcon entered the main hatch of Maz's ship. Once the doors of the landing bay were closed and secure, and the Falcon had landed, General Organa, Rey, Poe, Kaydel, Finn, and Rose got out of the Millennium Falcon.

"Are you sure you feel like being up and about?" Finn asked Rose for the fifth time.

"I'm fine, Finn," she reassured him for the tenth time since she had regained consciousness.

As they walked across the landing platform, they found Maz waiting for them.

As Finn saw the short woman standing there he was filled with fear. Her already large eyes seemed even bigger behind her spectacles. Finn turned to run back into the Millennium Falcon, but Rose and Poe grabbed his arms to stop him.

"Princess Leia!" Maz exclaimed, in her familiar booming voice.

"Hello Maz Kanata,"  Leia and the rest of the Resistance walked forward to meet her.

"I'm sorry about Han," said Maz, as Leia and the rest of the Resistance came to stand in front of her.

Leia nodded. "Me too."

Maz looked at Finn, which made him feel very nervous, and uncomfortable. He tried to back away, but Rose and Poe tightened their grips on his arms.

"I see you decided not to run after all," she said. "I told you I could see the warrior in your eyes."

Rose and Poe looked at him with a look that said: "I told you so."

To Finn's relief, Maz turned her gaze away from him and onto Rey. He felt sorry for Rey, but he was just glad that Maz had her focus on someone else.

"Ah Rey," she looked into her eyes. "I can see in your eyes that you have excepted the truth about your parents. You have finally faced your past. Until you face your past, you can't look ahead to the future."

Now it was Finn's turn to give Rose and Poe the "I told you so" look.

Rey nodded. Her memory flashed back to when she went into the Dark Side hole. She remembered how lonely she had felt. She had went there to learn about her parents, but all she had learned was how lonely she truly was.

Then she remembered what Maz had said when she first touched the lightsaber. "Whoever you're waiting for on Jakku, they're never coming back. But there's still someone who could."

At the time she had thought Maz was talking about Luke. "Luke?" she had asked in a voice that was was barely even a whisper.

Then she heard a voice in the Force. It was so quiet that she could barely hear it. "It's Ben."

She had been so surprised and frightened at hearing this, that she had ran away out of the palace and into the woods near it. She had wanted nothing more in that moment than to return home to Jakku and wait for her parents to come back for her. But why had she gone into the woods? She should have stolen a ship and flown back to Jakku. There was no way for her to go back by going into the woods.

But she had felt called to go into those woods, the same way she felt called to go into the basement of Maz's palace where Skywalker's lightsaber was. Now she realized that she had been called into the basement because of the lightsaber and she had been called into the forest because of Ben. That had been where she had first met him, it wasn't an accident or a coincidence that she'd gone into the forest, it had been the Force guiding her.

Why was the Force pulling them together?

Why had the lightsaber called her? She was just a scavenger, she was no one. She knew the Force had called her because it believed she could stop the evil that had spread across the galaxy, but she still didn't believe she could do this. Not alone.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now