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Ben let out a loud cry of pain, as he wept.
He had cried before, but never this much. His eyes burned and his hands were shaking. Now he was finding it harder and harder to breath, he had to fight to pull air into his lungs.
"Ben, you can't give in to Snoke... to the Dark Side. You have to keep fighting." He heard his grandfather say.
"I can't grandfather. I'm not strong enough to live without her."
"Ben... you are stronger than you know."
"I can't," Ben whispered as he continued to weep.
"I know that you can, you do have your father's heart... strong, fearless and filled with love." It was his uncle speaking now. He looked up to see the Force ghost of his uncle Luke standing next to his grandfather. "Don't try to shut off your feelings, your love for Rey is what gave you the strength to defeat Snoke the last time, it will give you the strength again."
Ben nodded, he had been trying to shut off his feelings but he knew that his uncle and grandfather were right his love for Rey wasn't a weakness, it was a strength.
"Close your eyes," said his uncle.
Ben closed his eyes.
"Take a deep breath."
Ben breathed deeply, finding it difficult to get air into his lungs, perhaps because he had been crying so much.
"Reach out..."
Ben reached out through the Force, he reached out for her, hoping that she would at least appear as his grandfather and uncle had. Since they had become one in the Force, he had felt her heart beating in his. He could still feel it beating faintly. It must be the memory of her still living inside of him. Unless... she was still alive.
Ben gasped suddenly, feeling suffocated. He had thought that it was because he had been crying so hard, but now he realized that it could be because of his connection to Rey... she was drowning. But if he could still feel her, then she must still be alive. He stood up quickly filled with a glimmer of hope, ignoring the pain that flowed through his entire body. The amount of Force lightening that Snoke had given him was enough to temporarily paralyze him, he could feel a strange numb pain all over, but he fought it. If there was even just a small chance that Rey was still alive, he had to take it.
He stepped closer to the edge of the cliff and peered down. He couldn't see her anywhere and the waves were fierce and crashing, but he could never live with himself if he didn't try. He would rather die trying to save her, than live knowing that he had failed her.
Without a second thought, he jumped off of the cliff into the roaring waves below. It was a long drop before he felt the sudden shock of cold water rush over him. He sunk deep beneath the surface, it was dark and he could only see a few feet in front of him. The numb pain in his body increased and he had to fight the urge to let his body go limp with all of his strength, he had to find her.
He reached out to her through the Force, and their connection began to lead him to her, like a mouth to a flame. He could feel a strong pull on the strings of his heart guiding him to her. He swam desperately towards it, until he found that his body seemed to be moving towards her on its own.
Finally he saw her just ahead of him, her body was limp and she was sinking slowly. He swam down towards her and grabbed her hand, pulling her into his arms. He swam back up to the surface, keeping her head above the water. She wasn't breathing, he could sense it. Tears stung his eyes again.
He looked around for a way out of the ocean, he had to get her out of the water, it was the only chance he had to save her. He could just make out a cave on the side of stone side of the cliff. It was his only hope. He swam towards it, carefully pulling Rey with him.
At last, he reached the cave entrance. He lifted Rey into his arms and carried her out of the water, gently laying her on the wet sand that covered the cave floor. He knelt down beside her, then he leaned down and whispered "come back to me Rey, please." He took a deep breath, then gently opened her mouth. He pressed his lips to hers and exhaled. He took another deep breath then pressed his lips to hers, attempting to force the air into her lungs.
He couldn't feel her heartbeat anymore, he had to do something to revive her, to restart her heart. He took a deep breath and placed his hands over her heart. He had never used Force lightening before, even to him it seemed cruel, but it could save her if he did it right. He let out a gentle pulse of energy through his hands, he felt a jolt in his chest as the energy reached her heart. His heart raced as he felt her heart beating against his again, now if only he could get her to breath again. He leaned down again, pressing his lips against hers and forcing his air into her lungs. He felt her move and pulled away. She sat up and coughed up a large amount of water, then she began gasping for air. He watched her carefully, begging the Force to let her be okay.
Her breathing returned to normal and she laid back down on the sand. Ben felt a surge of relief wash over him, he felt a strange sensation, tears of joy, he had never experienced anything like it before. He bent down and kissed her lips passionately, he kissed her cheeks, forehead and chin, then he moved his lips to her neck, covering it in kisses. Rey closed her eyes and sighed, he felt her wrapping her arms around him and tangling her fingers in his hair. He continued to kiss her until her face and neck were wet from his kisses and the tears he poured down onto her. Finally he wrapped his arms around her and laid his head on her shoulder. "Rey, I thought I lost you," he whispered.
She didn't reply, she only held him tighter not wanting to let him go.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now