Allison's Wedding (TUA)

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633 words. taken from taliesintealeaf on Instagram and the_bentacle_academy on Tumblr.

Luther: Luther sits in the back of the church. He doesn't want to be there, but he respects Allison enough not to object. He looks away when Patrick kisses the bride. During the reception, he sits in the corner. Everytime someone tries to make small talk, he shoves food into his mouth. He stays for the entire thing, but wants more than anything to go home. He tells Allison he's proud of her, only making it slightly weird. He knows that she would hate him if he made a scene at her wedding.

Diego: Diego meets with Patrick before the service. He's dressed for a funeral and lets Patrick know that if he hurts Allison, the funeral will be his. Allison told him not to bring his knives, but he hid them in his clothes rather than having them on show. He did end up throwing a knife at Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, and Denzel Washington. He got kicked out before the reception started.

Allison: Allison had a huge dress. All of Holywood was there. It was the biggest wedding of the year. She wasn't sure how her superpowered siblings would get along with A-list stars. There wasn't much of a problem. Diego disappeared before the reception and she didn't see Klaus after they talked in her dressing room. Luther and Vanya were no where to be seen. She would have perfered Grace walk her down the isle, but Reginald insisted she keep to tradition. At least he wasn't making her Rumor her guests. Besides that, her wedding was perfect.

Klaus: Klaus wears a white sundress. He goes to see Allison before the service starts. She lets him in.
"One of us is going to have to change." Klaus says.
"You can't wear white to a wedding, Klaus." Allison tells him. Then to a bridesmaid, "There's an extra dress, isn't there? Go get it please."
When the bridesmaid gets back, Allison lets Klaus wear a bridesmaid dress. Klaus figures the extra dress was for Vanya, but doesn't say anything. She didn't show up, so there wasn't anything to say. After the service, Klaus waits until Allison and Patrick have cake. Then he steals is. Dressed as a bridesmaid, he can do whatever he wants and people don't question. Ben gives him direction out of the huge building.

Five: Five is in the appocalypse during the wedding. He found a wedding picture though. He hopes that they were happy.

Ben: Ben didn't get a real invatation, but his name was in parathsees on Klaus's invite. He tried to talk Klaus out of wearing white but Klaus didn't listen. Ben was in charge of learning how the building worked while Klaus talked to Allison. He found a way out and gave Klaus directions as he stole the cake.

Vanya: Vanya never recieved an invatation. She sent a gift through Diego. Vanya watched the service on TV, wishing she could be the one playing the Wedding March. Allison talked to her about being in the wedding and playing something. Reginald, on the other hand, didn't like the idea of Vanya being in the wedding. She didn't exist as far as the media was concerned. Vanya had written a song for Allison, but when she didn't get an invite, she recorded it and gave it to Diego to give to Allison.

Reginald: Reginald walks Allison down the isle. After that, he takes notes the entire time. No one knows what about, they just know he was scribbling in the notebook instead of watching his (supposed) only daughter get married. After the service, he talked to Patrick about how Allison's power could be dangerous. To watch closely how she used it. Then, before Klaus left, he told him he was a disappointment no less than four times.

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