3: Please Don't Let P' Knows

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Captain POV

"P' you need to shut your mouth. I am telling you—you need to calm down and stop blabbering things to P'Hyuk." I quickly throw a death glare at my happy-go-lucky brother. I am always nervous every time he opens his nosy mouth.

He scratches the back of his head, "Ai', khor thot khrab. I don't know why my mouth won't stop talking~" he hits his mouth couple of times and I didn't even stop him because he deserves it.

[khor thot khrab – I am sorry in Thai]

Good thing P'Hyuk didn't notice anything wrong with us. He was so busy looking after P'Donghae so we are off the hook—for now. We also decided to go inside our room already. P'Gun and I share the same room while P'Hyuk's room is at the end of the hall. Probably P'Donghae will sleep in his room—I don't want to imagine what might happen inside that room. Mae and Pa's room are at the first floor near the living room, and P'Heechul and Nong Heemi are sleeping at the room in between P'Hyuk's room and our room.

I sit on my bed and sigh, "I don't even want to imagine what will P' do to us if he finds out—" I can't help but imagine the worst possible scenario in my head. "Ai'Cap, do you really think that P' won't understand? I mean—he has P'Donghae so I assume that he will be able to understand our situation—or something." P'Gun sits on his bed as well.

We haven't talked about this kind of stuff. We were both happy for each other but we haven't really talked about the consequence of our actions these days. "P' we both know how P'Hyuk is. His love for P'Donghae is completely different from our circumstances. Don't you remember when someone bullied you before because they called you dark skin—you enjoyed playing outside when we were young so you got burned from the strong sunlight. P'Hyuk completely destroyed your bullies. After that, no one dares to bully either you or me." The scary memory of our P' hitting those kids and making them all bleed until they begged for forgiveness is still vivid in my mind.

We both sigh, "Khrab—P' is such a stage brother to us. We cannot blame him thought—he is still 5 years older than me and 6 to you Ai'." Our parents decided to get married when they got P'Hyuk and that time Mae was still in university so she pursued her studies after having P'. As a result, P'Gun followed after 5 years and I followed after 6 years.

I sigh again for the nth time and lay down on my bed. There is only one person that can help me right now—but I don't want to think about this problem tonight. I'd rather sleep right now, "Ai'Plan you need to help me na~" but I can still hear my P' talking over the phone. He really cannot be quiet for some minutes.

I shake my head again and pull my blanket to cover my tired body—tomorrow—tomorrow I will think of a solution.


"P' it's okay. You don't need to come down. You should tour around P'Donghae and Nong Heemi." I keep on stopping my P' from coming down from the car. We still have classes right now and our P' volunteered to give us a ride here in our university with of course P'Donghae, P'Heechul, and Nong Heemi.

Are you asking where is P'Gun? He already escaped. He is really good at escaping our brother especially when he is in trouble. "We can look around your university Ai'Cap. Your Hae Hyung will surely love some nom yen in your school." P' is very persistent so my last option is, "P'Donghae~" to call for help.

[nom yen – pink milk]

Our future sister-in-law or brother-in-law shows his toothless smile at me, "You are very cute Captain. Anyway, Hyukkie I think we can go somewhere else. Heemi probably wants to look at some temples and eat some local street foods—neh Heemi?" and P'Donghae keeps on shifting his attention to me, P'Hyuk, and Nong Heemi. It's amazing how he handles my P' so much.

"Okay my lovely Hae. We will do what you want~" and my P' is really head over heels to him. I shake my head while smiling, "Bye bye~" and also escape from the scene in case that my brother decided to change his mind again—which I highly doubt.

As I am walking I can't help but think again, 'What if P' really insisted?' I have all the reasons in the world why I cannot let P' here in our university—for starter—P'Mark—that shameless P' from International Class. Remembering what he did can cause headache to me. All I can do is to pray for my P'Gun's safety.

"Ai'Cap—what's with the serious face?" someone hook an arm around my neck. "Good morning too, Ai'Toptap~" the pianist of our band and my classmate is the culprit. Ai'Toptap is a very cheerful person and he has this prominent nose and curly hair. Many girls in school likes him because he is very easy to approach but this friend of mine is already owned by someone else and he is very open about it.

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I made a loud irritating noise, "P'Gun~" I only said his name but Ai'Toptap already laughs at me, "and his crazy mouth?" bingo! I nod, "Our P'Hyuk already arrived yesterday—" "Oh no—so P'Gun already blabber the news?" what I hate about Ai'Toptap—he always interrupts me but he also hits the bullseye.

"He almost—he almost Ai', I was so scared last night." We continue walking towards our building with him still hooking his arm around my neck, "P'Hyuk is really scary, khrab. I can remember his university days. No one can touch you and P'Gun because of him." You don't need to remind me Ai'. P' was the head hazer of his college before so people were really scared of him.

We almost reach our homeroom when Ai'Toptap decided to ask me a question, "Have you talked to P'White? He needs to know about your circumstances right now, khrab?" I shake my head, "But I will—later."

We both sit down on our seats and I quickly pulled out my phone and send line message to P'White.

P'White: Ai' khrab, did you have a good night sleep?

Ai'Cap: khrab

P'White: What time does your morning class ends?

Ai'Cap: 11:30 khrab

Ai'Cap: P' can we talk later?

P'White: Sure! So lunch, later?

Ai'Cap: khrab, P'. See you later~


First POV for Captain (woooooooo~) I hope you are enjoying it so far. There are so many characters here so you need to pay extra attention to it. See you later~

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