91: That's the Point White!

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Captains' POV

I don't understand why I've been spending a lot of time at Nong Heemi's house and why my P'Gun left me this morning. Not only me but also P'Title, Ai'Ohm, Ai'Cooheart, Ai'Fluke and of course my boyfriend White.

You cannot imagine how much Nong Heemi whined because she cannot find P'Plan, P'Mean, P'Gun and P'Mark. Good thing around 12 noon, P'Heechul told Nong that she needed to attend her Math academy so that left us with P'Wang Qing. P' knows how to speak basic Korean because he has been here for many times now so he sort of volunteers to tour us around but only White and I because Ai'Fluke wasn't feeling well—maybe because of the sudden change of weather and Ai'Cooheart just want to stay at home and watch Netflix with P'Title.

"I've been here in Mouse Rabbit before like—2 or 3 years ago when I visited mei mei," finally, P'Wang Qing tried to talk longer now and I nod at him, "Do you have any recommendations?" all of us have been trying to remove the na khrab while speaking English—especially here in Korea because that will be weird for them though with P'Heechul, P'Donghae, and Nong Heemi—we somehow still use honorifics.

I look at P'Wang Qing who is sitting opposite to White and I, "Hum—how about this—I will go to the counter and order and you will eat and drink what I order, deal?" he suddenly has this crazy smile on his lips. I think P' is also mischievous just like Nong Heemi. I also smile, "Deal!" I said before P' stands up.

If you are wondering why my boyfriend is so silent the whole time, well—he has been so engrossed about political news in our country since this morning and he has been receiving international calls for a while and now he isn't paying much attention to my quick conversation with P'Wang Qing because he is busy typing on his phone.

Am I not curious? I am dying because of curiosity but one thing I've learned about my relationship with White, I need to wait for him—not to open up but to have a clear mind—out of distractions before I ask him something serious or something I am curious about. And because my boyfriend is so busy with his phone, I've decided to open my phone and check my Instagram


There isn't much post to be honest, mostly are from the shops and influencers that I've been following for a while. There are also some posts of my friends and P'Hyuk's friends—also P'Gun's friends. I don't know but they are all following me so I felt like before I need to follow them back.

 I don't know but they are all following me so I felt like before I need to follow them back

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ngernn enjoying what the best thing in life can offer na khrab—like this person beside me. #YOLO #vacation #bewithAugust #NgernAugust

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