120: Mark is In Control

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(A/N: A little recap. Gun and Cap are back in Thailand now after their 2 weeks' vacation in Korea.

Everything is going well—not until when Captain went back home and find White with his parents in their house together with their (WhiteCap) pictures being intimate.)


Mark's POV

I've heard how Gun's family defended and stand beside Ai'Captain during the conversation with White's family. Honestly, I want to punch Ai'White right now because he didn't move an inch so I feel bad for Ai'Cap—but I cannot risk on making Ai'Cap upset which leads to Gun being upset to me and also making P'Hyuk upset to me too.

I decided to show up at the right moment which brings me back now here in Ai'Cap and Gun's room—again because Ai'White and his family already go back to their house or whatever they are going.

Gun's arms are wrap around my waist while we are sitting on his bed and leaning my back on the headboard and Ai'Captain is on his side but totally quiet right now, "Hum—I don't want to ruin the silence na khrab, but what's your plan Ai'Cap?" I asked him making both of them to look at me. I can't help but to rub my thumb on Gun's arm, "I will agree to what you would like to do na khrab," I added more.

I am the game changer of course but the commander will be Ai'Cap. This is more likely his battle so I want to know if he has an idea what he is getting himself into.

"Actually—" he sighs, "I was hoping that—ahm—P'Mark na khrab—have better idea—" he looks uneasy, "I mean—P'Hyuk talked to be before going back na khrab—and sort of tell me to—you know—trust P'Mark," I think my breathing hitch when I heard that.

I am in bad shot with P'Hyuk—I must admit. I was really rude last time when he made Gun cried but—I never know that he will trust me this much.

"P'Hyuk likes Mark~" Gun mumbled and I can't hide the smile.

I sigh happily, "Okay—but you Ai'Cap—needs to follow my lead—meaning I will do whatever it takes na khrab to protect you—especially when things went public. They will dig into you—your family na khrab—" I drop a peck on Gun's head, "And your brothers—especially this guy that I love, so—you cannot question my lead na khrab—we will do this in the way that I think is right—got it?" I look straight into Ai'Captain's eyes. I want to see him agree because I will not do this if he is unsure or if he will not trust me.

We look at each other for at least 15seconds before he sighs deeply, "I—" but he suddenly looks at the person that's hugging me, "I will trust you the way P'Hyuk and P'Gun trusted you—P'Mark," he said finally.

Again, I grin and kiss Gun's head again.

"Gun dear, will Ai'Mark stay for dinner?" we all heard their Mae calling from the outside the door. I didn't answer because I know—

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