6: Nong Owes P' a Favor

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Gun's POV

"Will you stop glaring at me P'?" I roll my eyes again as I heard my crazy brother complained. It should be me complaining and not him, "You—traitor~" I said using my rough voice which I normally use when I sing. Today is an exemption.

Ai'Toptap touches my shoulder, "He will not listen to you P'." He said with assurance that my younger brother will really not listen or even feel bad for me. We are all here at the rehearsal room because we are normally here every after class. Ai'Plan is running around the room while holding his phone and he has this annoying smile on his face while talking to his boyfriend.

'Woei Ai'friend is such a show off.'

I am the one experiencing hell these days, "You gave my schedule to P'Mark na Ai'my brother!" I sound so sarcastic right now but I cannot help it, "So? It's just your schedule. What's the harm of it khrab?" and he really have the guts to questioned me.

I walk towards my younger brother with an accusing finger pointing towards him, "He-Is-Following-Me-Everywhere!" I make sure that my words are understandable enough. I thought Ai'Cap was a little bit smarter than me—well Ai' disappoints P'. I made a full stop in front of him, "P', think about it—P'Mark will either bother you without knowing your schedule khrab or he will still bother you knowing your schedule khrab." He looks in front of me and my frustration is killing me.

Again, I stomp my feet on the ground, "WHY THE HELL DOES THAT P' KEEPS ON FOLLOWING ME???" I let out my frustration by shouting and Ai'Plan got startled and Ai'Toptap chuckles, and of course Ai'Title just shake his head. "Didn't he tell you P'? He is very honest about his feelings—for some unknown reason—he—freaking—likes—you!" and the most dreadful memory came back to me.



I am very jumpy today while looking at the wide soccer field, "Ai'my jumpy friend, who is even playing?" My Ai'sleepy friend Ai'Plan asked me. I am a little bit disappointed to him, "Ai'sleepy you need to open your small eyes. Your boyfriend is even on the field~" as soon as I mentioned his boyfriend he sits straight and his incredibly small eyes became big.

"OH FUCK! IT'S COLLEGE OF MUSIC VS INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE!!" He shouted like a mad made making few people sitting in front, at the back, and beside us take a glance. "Hum—so who are you cheering for?" the answer is way too obvious. "Of course, my Mean~" see—I can even guess it with my eyes close.

"You should be on the other side of the field P', when our seniors hear you cheer for P'Mr. Good-looking, they will chop you." I laugh as Ai'Sing—Ai'Toptap and Ai'Gunsmile closest friend reminded my friend here. The three of them are sitting below us. I wonder why they are always together. Ai'Gunsmile and Ai'Sing are from Business College and not College of Music.

Ai'Plan made a gesture like he is zipping his mouth, "safe~" he mumbled and the three musketeers below us chuckled in response.

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