33: P'Hyuk-my P'Hyuk

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Captain's POV

White and I wasn't able to stop Ai'Toptap when he ran off to Ai'Gunsmile. I know that I shouldn't be upset if Ai' chose to go with him because when I heard Ai'Sing's explanation why he was calling—I got so mad. First, why is he with Ai'Gunsmile and at Ai'Gunsmile's house? He knows that they aren't in good talking terms with Ai'Toptap so him being with Ai'Gunsmile will create more problems. Second, why didn't he tell right away that Ai'Gunsmile got into trouble. I know that Ai'My friend cannot ignore the fact that his boyfriend got beaten up but Ai'Sing should say it straight forward or better yet—messaged Ai'Toptap because he knows that Ai' wouldn't even want to talk to him.

I am also conflicted because I told P'Hyuk that I will be with Ai'Toptap today. I made him upset this morning when I told him that I wouldn't be with them this Songkran and if he sees me with only White today, he would definitely ask where Ai'Toptap is. P'Gun also decided to go with P'Plan and P'Mean which I am sure he would complain about being the third wheel again. These days, my P'Gun keeps on complaining about couples.

As said, Khao San Road is surprisingly near Ai'Toptap's house but before we even reached the main road, White and I are already soaking wet. "Aw—I am dripping already~" White said but also laugh about his current situation. Seeing his smile makes me laugh too, "Khrab, we should bring water gun na khrab like P'Gun," I said while still walking side by side with White. This place is not so near my house so I am not really afraid to be affectionate with White but the thing is—I am not the most affectionate person in the world.

We continue walking together and of course looking for some street food, "How many can you eat na Cap?" White asked me before ordering sai ooah to Pa khrab. "Humm—3 na khrab," I said but he said, "5 na khrab Pa," this guy doesn't even listen to me. I wonder how he does that without making me angry. When Pa gave us our order, I quickly grab one piece of sai ooah and gobble it up, "Woie—are you that hungry Cap?" White asked me. He must be shocked seeing me eating this quickly, "You know na White that I always eat breakfast—right? This morning na khrab—to ran away from P'Hyuk, I skipped my breakfast," I explained and the first piece of Thai sausage already disappeared right before my eyes.

We stopped by a place where people won't bother us because we are eating. White looks sad though, "You shouldn't skip breakfast Cap. I think we really need to tell your P' about our relationship na khrab so that we don't need to hide like this na khrab." I smile hearing his words because I know that he cares for me so much. I touch his head and pat it, "Khaawp khun maak, White. We will—don't worry na khrab, we will tell P'Hyuk about us after this event," I am not the most affectionate person but I know how to be affectionate if I want to be one.

[khaawp khun maak – thanks a lot in Thai]

Because White was so worried that I wouldn't eat enough, he bought so many foods. I thought my stomach will burst out because I haven't eaten that much food for breakfast and also lunch. Then after our eating escapade, we joined the people who are running and laughing and getting wet. As I said, we didn't bring anything because I just want to enjoy Songkran.

The water keeps on getting thrown at us, "Cold~" I said when the wind blows even though it's still the summer wind but I've been wet since 8am. White laughs at me, "What? Do you want me to hug you na khrab?" I shake my head because I know that he is just messing up with me. "Yeah right na White. As if I would let you," I said laughing while walking a head of him.

White's hand suddenly grabs my left hand, "I would not ask Cap. You said I can do what I want without asking you—right?" as I said, I am not the most affectionate person but White is. He likes showering me with affection. He likes to hold my hand, grab my arm, buy me food, fetch me before and after class, wake me up in the morning by calling me, but he never tried to go beyond that but we don't have any unwritten rules about hugging or even kissing—well maybe I would feel weird but if it's White—then I think I will be okay.

The sun suddenly feels so strong as we stopped in the middle of the road. I didn't dare to look behind me but White forced me look at him. He pulled me in one swift and I didn't really anticipate the force that the next thing I feel is White's strong arms wrap around my body. "Are you scared Cap?" he whispered in my ear but all I did is to hug him back, "Why would I be scared na White?" I asked him. People didn't even bother us because during Songkran, there are so people kissing and hugging on street. They might think that we are just like any other couples.

White pulls me tighter, "We will face your brother na khrab after this and we might get scold," he whispered again but didn't let go of the hug. I am actually enjoying the warmth of his body against mine. Then I remember Nong Heemi's book. She has been lending me her comic books since the other day but I haven't read so much of it. I laugh, "I am scared White but I have you—P'Gun—and P'Donghae." In Nong Heemi's book, it says that being less vocal will lead to misunderstanding sometimes. Her books are eye opener but I don't understand why she was lending me her books.

I sigh when White move his hands up and down on my back probably making me at ease, "Of course Cap, I will fight for you." And I feel how his arms loosen a bit. I pulled out a bit to see his face but are body are still near to each other and our hands are still wrapped around each other, "Did I tell you White—" he raised one of his eyebrows, "That I am lucky na khrab that you are my boyfriend~" I will probably not say those words again but I want him to know.

White sighs before those beautiful smile appears on his lips, "Aww is something wrong with my Cap? Why are you so sweet today?" he teased me but that doesn't matter to me. I am happy and my Mae told me before that you shouldn't restrict yourself to be happy. I am so happy that I didn't expect the next thing that came out from my mouth, "Kiss me—White," why did I say that? I am not sure. Maybe spur in the moment but it can also be what my heart desire.

He shakes his head first before he leans forward, "Okay—khrab," he said before closing the gap between our lips. I can remember our first kiss and this is just the second time. I wasn't sure what to do but White's hands suddenly travel from my back to my cheeks. He moves his head while kissing my lips, "Open—it—Cap," he parted from a while and whispered but I wasn't sure what to open. So when he kisses me back again I just follow his movements.

I close my eyes very firmly but almost jolt and open it when White suddenly lick my lips, "Hum—" I don't know how I produced that sound but White suddenly invaded my mouth when I accidentally opened it. I gulp loudly when his tongue moves inside my mouth. I don't know that this is also kissing. I wasn't even sure how White learned about this but my head is getting dizzy with the sudden messy kisses that I didn't notice that White is already supporting my back again to not fall down.

The kisses still continue but I am breathing so hard, "Whi—te~" I mumbled between our kisses because I want him to know that I will die soon if I will not breath air. I tried to push him lightly but electricity run all over my body when, "CHONLATHORN NA RANONG!!" an angry voice echoes in my ears. Without thinking twice, I used all the energy I have to push White away from me and my eyes fluttered open. My blood suddenly left me when I saw Nong Heemi with mouth gasping open, P'Heechul with smirk on his face, P'Donghae who is shaking his head, and P'Hyuk—my P'Hyuk.

"P'~" I said nervously.



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