128: Be Honest With Me

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A/N: For those who love 2wish—I am sorry this will hurt ^^


Plan's POV

I called Ai'Gun today—to my house. He didn't ask me why he needs to go to my house but he arrives even though it's weekend with many snacks and hard drive full of movies that we both enjoy watching.

My Mae and Pa are already asleep and their room is on the first floor while I am the only one sleeping on the second floor. 

Ai'Gun—he has been laughing a lot pointing at the TV whenever there's a funny scene playing while I am smiling sometimes and eating some snacks that he bought, "You know na Ai'Plan—" I look beside me when Ai'Gun suddenly talked, "I am not good na khrab at knowing what is happening around me na khrab but I know when something is wrong~" he even makes loud noises eating the crackers.

I chuckled, "Do you think na khrab there's something wrong Ai'Gun?" I asked him.

A hummed and a deep sigh followed after, "You have been my friend na khrab since middle school na Ai'Plan—there's no way I will not know if—" then he turned at me, "something is wrong with you na Ai' or not," then he smiles—plain straight smile.

It's amazing how Ai'Gun and I understand each other easily though I keep on hearing from many people that we are hard to understand. Even Ai'Cap, Ai'Toptap, and Ai'Title said that to us before but for me—the only person that understands me the most aside from Mean—is Ai'Gun.

I remove the snacks and crackers between us and put it aside before looking back at Ai'Gun who is still looking at me curiously, "Woie! It wasn't that—serious na khrab," I laughed a bit because between Ai'Gun and I—we both aren't that much serious.

Still—Ai'Gun looks at me like a mae waiting for his/her son to tell what he/she did wrong, "It was—" he squinted his eyes, "Fine na khrab! It was about Mean!" I said it.

"What about Mean khrab? Did he do something wrong again to you na Ai'Plan? Or did you do something wrong to him? You know that last time na khrab I helped you—you used his money so much from his credit card from shopping na woie! Did he get mad about it?" Ai'Gun asked but I keep on shaking my head.

Mean is the most patient person I've known and there's no way he will get mad at me that easily, "He didn't get mad na khrab—" Ai'Gun sighs in relief, "I got mad at him—khrab," I confessed.


I forced a smile, "Well—remember P'Mark's graduation?"

He nods.

"Since last time na Ai'Gun, you know how much I want to be close with Mean's family na khrab and whenever I asked Mean—he keeps on telling me na khrab that they are busy or next time na khrab so I didn't ask him about that anymore na Ai'Gun—but sometimes—I feel like Mean is lying to me about his family and just keep on making reasons why I cannot meet his family—but because I know that Mean loves me and I also love him—I didn't ask him more about it,"

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