23: Why are you so Whipped?

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Hyuk's POV

The whole day, I was too preoccupied by the possibilities of what's happening with my brothers here in university. They aren't saying much to me about school and most of the time they just updates us with their rehearsal schedule when they need to go back home late. I do trust my brothers but I don't want them to be involved into something that can harm them.

"Hyukkie—do you really need to frown all the time?" Hae suddenly nudged my arm and that's when I realized that we are here in the meeting room while the Nong's and Ai's are eating their lunch already. Ai'Kao and Ai'Tor arrived today with our lunch. I sigh, "Minhae Hae, I am just think about—" "Your brothers?" he finished my sentence. All I can do is nod.

Hae looks so sad so suddenly and usually, Hae is a clingy boyfriend. I am not complaining though. He doesn't like it when I diverted by attention away from him but he understands how much I care for my brothers, "I do love Gun and Cap, Hyukkie. They are important to you, but you shouldn't baby them so much. If they are in trouble, they will tell it to you right away. If you forced them to tell you now, you will only make them uncomfortable. They are not 10 years old kids anymore Hyukkie—they are bunch of adults now and you need to learn how to trust your brother." I wonder why Hae sounds so upset right now.

We've never had a big argument before and he is normally upset about other people and not to me, "I can't help it Hae. They are my brothers—" "Then—go eat lunch with your brothers!" suddenly, Hae stands up making a loud creaking noise because of the chair he was sitting on and making some people inside the room to look at our direction. I stand up as well to grab his arm, "Let's talk outside Hae." I mumbled before pulling him out of the room again.

I only close the door behind us and we are already in the corridor. There are some students now but it's too early for lunch break so no one will interrupt us for sure, "Hae—why are so upset with me?" I asked right away and I can't help but feel hurt because of his actions. He bit his lower lips and look down, "I just—" he fidgets, "Feel like—since we arrived here in Thailand—I was not your top priority anymore." He continue looking at our feet, "I mean—I do like your family and you probably missed them—a lot so I always hang out with Heechul hyung—and Heemi—but sometimes—you forget about me because you are too focused on your brothers. Gun talked to me the other day—he said that he is happy that you have me now—because before you always look after them," Hae suddenly looks up at me and I can see some visible tears in the corner of his eyes.

It will always be my weakness—to see those tears. So quickly, I pull him into a tight hug, "Mianhae, Hae. Sorry that your boyfriend isn't paying much attention to you. All I want is what's good for my brothers—you know that right? So I can't help but feel so protective towards them. But I don't intend to neglect you. I'm sorry~" I am getting upset by myself so suddenly. Before we went here in Thailand, Hae was very nervous about my family and about the people. He can only understand basic Thai and isn't good enough is speaking Thai so I promised him that I will be always there for him to help him. What am I doing now? Why am I making him upset?

Eventually, Hae hugs me back and sigh deeply, "I don't want you to think that I am so unreasonable Hyukkie. Of course I love you so I will do everything for you but also—you need to realize that your brothers are adults now. Give them enough time and space. They will tell you eventually if something is really happening to them. Now Hyukkie—all you need to do is be with me and I'll be happy again—neh?" he is surprisingly clingy today but I set aside any negative ideas and enjoy him being like this. Besides we cannot show too much affection in Korea.

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