30: Here I Come

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Mean's POV

Lately, I've been pushed to the sideline a lot. Good thing Ai'Gun and I are in good talking terms now. But my Plan—I am not sure what to do with him. I wanted to taint him so badly but he is too pure and slow. I am being so straightforward at times but he still doesn't get it. What is the hardest part of understanding that I want him—in my bed—naked—doing naughty stuff? or I want—to be alone-with him—without—Ai'Gun?

Good things come when you are patient. I have this victory smile as I look at my boyfriend who is sleeping peacefully on my bed with only my blanket covering half of his body. Did he really expect that we will just talk last night? He even protested when I started attacking his neck but after a while my baby beast came out and his wild side never fails to amaze me.

I fix his blanket—he sleeps so messily and he is afraid of ghost so I like sleepover so much. He will beg for me to sleep with him—either sleeping with clothes on or with clothes off. "Wake up na khrab~" I whispered in his ears. I don't want him to complain later on if we will get late for Songkran. I know he wanted to play with water later with Ai'Gun so as a good boyfriend—I need to be supportive and understanding.

"Mean—no more—I am tired—na khrab~" he mumbled while turning to the other side of the bed which makes me grin. I lean forward again and whisper, "Don't worry na khrab—Mean will not eat Plan this morning. You need to wake up na baby—you want to be in Songkran, right?" I make sure to blow hot air and that's actually a secret trick to make him alert early in the morning.

Plan mumbled more incoherent words before sitting up from the bed but his eyes are only half open and the blanket fall until his stomach.

'One wrong move Plan and we will not go to Songkran anymore~'

He rubs his sleepy eyes until he can fully open them. "Mean—" he called for my name, "Khrab?" I answered right away, "What time is it na khrab?" his sleepy voice is so fucking adorable but I control myself and look at the wall clock above my TV, "6:30am na khrab!" and his eyes landed on me. He looks like a lost boy, "When did you—change your clothes Mean?" he asked in between his yawn.

I pat his head and rub it a bit. His new pink hair looks so good on him I can't help but run my fingers over it, "While you were sleeping Plan. I don't want to wake you up because you looks so cute sleeping," I answered with all honestly. I don't care if Ai'White or Ai'Gun keeps on teasing me about being whipped for Plan but I worked hard just to be with him now. I did bad things before—but that doesn't mean I cannot be a good boyfriend for him. I can give him everything because that's how much I love him.

His smile suddenly shows up and all I can do is admire it, "I will take a bath na Mean so that we can go. Ai'Gun will be so mad if we will not be there before 8am," he explained and without any warning, Plan stands up from bed, still rubbing his eyes, didn't care if he exposes himself to me. I am not complaining though but how am I supposed to think straight when my boyfriend is walking around my room naked?

Plan went straight into the bathroom before my last string of sanity left me.

"Seriously Plan—you will be the death of me, I swear!"


We cannot use my car because all the streets are close

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We cannot use my car because all the streets are close. We will go to Khao San Road which is a bit far from my place so we need to ride Plan's motorcycle. I was the one driving of course. There is no way I will let my Plan drives this accident prone transportation.

Before we even reach our destination, both of us are soaking wet already. People are throwing water to us every now and then. In normal circumstances, I would be mad already but whenever I hear Plan's laughter, I can't help but smile too.

"Woie—you are already there na khrab Ai'Plan, Ai'Mean~" my boyfriend is loud—and so is his best friend. When they are together, all I can do is to shut my mouth because their voices are like amplifiers. Ai'Gun is also drenching wet and his newly colored hair is illuminating.

I might be bias when it comes to my Plan but I am not the type of person who cannot appreciate other people. When P'Mark confessed to Ai'Gun, I am so certain why that Ai'Loud caught the attention of P'Strict. Ai'Gun might not know how to look at himself but his passion for music whenever they are performing is so overwhelming. It feels like he was born to perform and be on that stage—we aren't talking about his voice yet.

Ai'Gun has really good singing voice—maybe even better than some Thai singers. People are always captivated by his voice. Lastly, Ai' is handsome. I am not sure if someone makes him feel like that but Ai' can pull out any clothes and makes it look good. He has this charm that Ai'Cap and even his P'Hyuk doesn't have so sometimes I am wondering why he isn't in a relationship.

Actually, Plan is stressed out when P'Mark happened but I am actually relieved that someone was showering too much attention and affection to Ai'Gun. He should learn how to see himself and not only the people around him. Right now, Ai' looks so good with his new hair color and with his smile just like my Plan's smile—okay Plan has better smile and I am being bias here.

"Ai'Gun did you bring the water guns? I want to spray water to those girls looking at my boyfriend na woie~" I chuckled because Plan will always be Plan. He doesn't like it when people are staring at me—but I also don't like people who are staring at him. "Woie—stop being sweet na khrab!!" Ai'Gun complained and all I can do is laugh loudly because these two people in front of me are such freaking innocent kids.

Ai'Gun hand over our water guns and the two kids suddenly run all over the place. I don't need to think who I will follow, "Plan, be careful!" I shouted while following my boyfriend. He is busy spraying water to those groups of girls who looks so happy seeing both Plan and I running towards them, "Die! Die! Die!!!!!" Plan shouted like a crazy kid but I don't think those water can kill them.

The girls keep on giggling while Plan is busy 'killing' them, "Mean khrab! You need to help me!" he complained, "Here I come," I said before following his lead.


The hardest part of Songkran is that running after my hyper boyfriend. He keeps on running around like a wild animal, "Plan khrab—wait for me na khrab!" I said panting a bit. I don't know how Plan wasn't even sore after what we did last night while I am panting already because my waist is still aching for using it too much.

"MEANNNNNNN!!! HURRRYYY UPPPP!!!!" He is shouting from the other side of the road. I am dripping all over and the water never stop, "Woie!! Plan!" I complained again before following my boyfriend. I didn't see Ai'Gun anymore after they both run off somewhere. I hope he isn't drowning already or something. Knowing Ai' he is probably throwing water to random people just like Plan.

I was busy running to the other side of the road when something caught my attention. Not something but someone. In the middle of the road—with people throwing water all over them—my friend Ai'White—and his new boyfriend Ai'Cap—are busy making out.

"Fuck! Why didn't I think about that?" I mumbled fore running off somewhere.



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