78: He is Mine First

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Plan's POV

I took a sip of my favorite milk tea here in Siam with Ai'Gun sitting beside me also sipping his milk tea and we have some surprise visitors which are Ai'Cooheart, Ai'Title, Ai'Fluke and Ai'Ohm. I am not sure how did this happen but while Ai'Gun and I were walking today to buy milk tea in Siam, we saw Ai'Title and Ai'Cooheart busy buying something in the restaurant and then Ai'Fluke invited us to join them so we ate lunch with them even though Ai'Gun and I already ate because Ai'Cooheart said he will get mad if we don't eat but I don't know why he will get mad because he wasn't the one paying after the meal—it's Ai'Title. Anyway, we ate and now we are here in milk tea shop drinking milk tea.

"Why did you sleep over na khrab P'Gun to P'Plan's house for two days?" Ai'Fluke asked Ai'Friend and he laughs, "Ohh—that na khrab? Because there was a movie we wanted to watch na khrab last month but we were so busy na khrab and P'Hyuk was here and he told me not to play around so much because he wanted to spend time with me na khrab so I told Ai'Plan that I will try to get the copy na khrab but Ai'Mean has the copy na khrab so Ai'Plan gets the copy and we watched it last Friday na Ai' but because we slept really late na khrab last Saturday midnight—so I was so tired na khrab so I told Mae khrab that I will just go back home today and not yesterday afternoon~" I keep on nodding while Ai'Gun talks because that's what I want to tell them.

"You know P'—you can just say that you got tired watching movie and decided to stay for another night na khrab. It will save you a lot of time explaining na khrab what really happen~" Ai'Cooheart said but somehow he looks so bored. Is he bored? Because I am not bored. Ai'Gun laughs again. I wonder why Ai' keeps on laughing, "Woie! But you will not understand na khrab so I explained it very well." See—this is why he is my friend, he is very reasonable.

I pat his back, "You are so good na khrab Ai'Friend," I said before sipping my milk tea again. We have been together for good 2 hours now but I suddenly realized that, "Woie! Ai'Title—you told us na khrab that you will stay in Chiang Mai na khrab for weekend—but why are you here in Bangkok again? Did you run away? Or got lost? or no money—no my bad—you paid a while ago na khrab—but why are you here?" because I am not sure why Ai' is here.

Ai'Title smiles at us and suddenly holds Ai'Cooheart's hand. Why are they sweet today? Like not the normal sweet—and Ai'Title is too sweet to Ai'Cooheart? This is so weird, "Well—I fought with Cooheart—" "WHAT!? Then Ai' you need to stop holding his hand na khrab! He might hit you—or kill you—or hurt you na khrab!" Ai'Gun said and I follow after, "And we will not stop na khrab! We will find a perfect place to throw the body na khrab because we don't want to get killed too!" and my main concern now is why are we sitting here with Ai'Cooheart.

"They are so—comical," Ai'Ohm suddenly talk and I thought he cannot talk just like Ai'Title. I guess, Ai'Cooheart and Ai'Fluke both like guys who don't like talking. "Ignore them na khrab," Ai'Fluke said loud enough and soon Ai'Title explained, "We are okay now na khrab so I travelled back na khrab this midnight just to say sorry to Cooheart," I nod and so did Ai'Gun, "Why didn't you say it fast na khrab Ai'? We thought there will be a killer na khrab soon—thank goodness na khrab that you are okay now Ai'," I cannot agree more with Ai'Gun because we think the same way.

Anyway, we continue talking and eating and we also decided to hang out for a while before Ai'Gun said that he needs to buy a book that I also forgot we need to finish our homework that we need to submit tomorrow so it looks like Ai'Gun and I will make our homework later after going back home because we both forgot to do it. Anyway, both Ai'Gun and I go straight to the bookstore while Ai'Cooheart, Ai'Title, Ai'Fluke, and Ai'Ohm already went somewhere that they didn't tell us. Very unfair, "WOIE!!" I heard a loud yelp coming from Ai'Gun who is walking in front of me and I quickly look at him, "Why?" I asked him but Ai' didn't answer me, "Aww na kah~" instead a very familiar girl talked.

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