129: How Much Trouble Did I Cause!

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Gun's POV

When I woke up early at Ai'Plan's house, my phone keeps on buzzing but I am too sleepy to answer so around 10am when I was able to get my phone, I saw messages from Ai'Cap and P'Hyuk—even Mark.

All their messages are the same, "Do you really need to go home now na Ai'Gun?" Ai'Plan asked me when we are already on the front door. His Mae told me to eat first but it looks like my brothers and my boyfriend are in a hurry for me to go home, "Chai khrab Ai'Plan. I don't know what Ai'Cap and P'Hyuk and even Mark need from me na khrab but it looks like I need to be back home fast," I explained.

On their messages, they told me to drive safely and not stop anywhere aside from our house—and wear helmet.

"Then, be careful na khrab Ai'Gun. I still don't understand why your brothers want you to go back home since P'Hyuk isn't in Thailand na khrab—and I still don't understand your boyfriend kharb—" he stopped for a while and breathe deeply, "But—install social media again na Ai'Gun—I need to talk to you na khrab but you deleted everything last night," I laughed at the last reminder since Ai'Plan was so pissed off when I told him that in order for me to save more movies, I deleted all my social media applications. My hard drive is already full too.

I nod and wave my hand one last time to Ai'Plan before hopping on my motorcycle and driving off their house.


I arrived back home after 15 minutes. Ai'Plan's house isn't that far but Mark and P'Hyuk don't like it when I drive fast. In fact, Mark doesn't want to see my motorcycle anymore but these days, he has been busy so I need to go to school by myself. Not unless, Ai'Cap and I have same schedule then I can bring the car.

It's early morning but I saw Mark's car outside and also the car that Ai'White has been using. I also recognized some motorcycle parked outside with faculty of engineering stickers on it.

"I'm hom—e," I said as soon as I open the front door but almost taken a back seeing the number of people inside the house, "Sawadee krab~" I wai suddenly because not only Mark, Ai'Cap, Ai'White, and my parents are here but also P'Off, P'Ngern, P'Yacht, and P'Singto.

I got stuck on the front door not moving an inch, "Gun khrab—come here," Mark called me and gesture his hand but I am still not moving.

Did I miss something?

So instead of me walking towards Mark, he walks toward me and grab my hand, "Let's go there first na Love," he said using his sweet tone.

He pulled me towards the couch but we didn't sit; only my mae and pa are sitting.

I look around, feeling worried, "Woie! My P' is confused na khrab—someone—please explain to him what's happening," Ai'Cap sounds begging. Why is he begging? Did something happen again? Did Ai'White's parents found out where Ai'White is staying?

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