73: You are Mine!

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Mean's POV

Yesterday, Ai'Gun kidnapped my boyfriend again. I don't understand why Plan always says yes to Ai'Gun like seriously all the time. They didn't even come back anymore and Plan messaged me around 5pm that they all fell asleep and good thing Ai'Cap's phone started making noises or else all of them will be late. He also told me that I am right, that Ai'Cap was really mad at Ai'White—and who wouldn't even notice aside from my dense Ai'Friend?

Anyway, back to present again, it's Wednesday and now I am feeling the pressure of our papers due date. I know I told Ai'White to chill for a while yesterday but the papers keep on pilling up and now I don't have any choice but to tell Plan about my messy schedule which he gladly accepted our fate. My message was like,

Mean: Hi baby, sorry—it looks like I need to finish my papers already na khrab and I can't meet you up today. I will try my best na khrab to finish most of it before the bell so that I can fetch you there na khrab in your college. You can go eat lunch with Ai'Gun already and don't play so much. I hope to see you later baby, I love you~

And here I thought he might say something sweeter—but no—Plan really knows how to ruin the mood sometimes.

Plan: Okay na khrab. I am eating already na Mean and Ai'Gun said you don't need to say to eat because we will really eat na khrab. Also, Ai'White messaged Ai'Cap already that you both are busy so I know that you cannot eat with me and maybe you cannot go here in college na khrab but it's okay because Ai'Title said he can all drop us by our house if you and Ai'White cannot finish today. Bye bye I am still eating and this is too long already na khrab~

Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one who loves Plan so much because I am showing him with too much affection but whenever I remember what I did before to him—I can't help but feel guilty. The guilt that up until now is still hunting me. The incident that made Ai'Cap punched me straight on the face before—and also the reason why I was in bad shoot with Ai'Gun for couple of months.

It hunts me—until now.



I called Ai'Plan absentmindedly telling him that I am in my condominium. I've been in love with him for the longest time that I can remember and I am still madly in love with him but those voices inside my head now and peer pressure coming from the people around me calling me weak and slow for still not being able to have Ai'Plan up until now and the pressure from my family who thinks that they are some sort of perfect humans. All I want right now to have Ai'Plan with me and for him to brighten my already cloudy day.

I know I am asking too much from him especially now that it's already 8pm. I know I shouldn't call him but he is the only person in my head right now. I am so messed up.

In no time I heard the doorbell and I almost stumble while standing up. I run so fast just to open the door and reveal Ai'Plan who looks so worried right now, "Ai'Mean," he called my name and I lose it. I quickly pull him inside my condo and hug him tightly, "Ai'Plan na khrab~" I mumbled and put my head on his nape inhaling his scent. He smells mint, probably his shampoo because his hair is still wet. Ai'Plan pats my back, "I don't know what's wrong na khrab Ai'Mean but I don't like it na khrab when you told me to help you na khrab over the phone. I thought you were in trouble or something and your voice sounded so weak na khrab too so I run so fast as soon as I finish taking a bath na khrab!" I love him, I really do—and I don't care if he will keep on talking again and again because I love him—I can listen to him all day without getting tired.

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