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Ryan sighed in relief as he finally finished unpacking the last box he brought to his dorm. Why must he be on the top floor?

Everything was done finally! The bed has his sheets and comforter on, his clothes are pack, his alarm is set; Everything is completed.

He yawned and glanced at the clock. The blaring red numbers told him it was about 2 o'clock in the morning. What can he say?He is a professional procrastinator.

However, that's not why he is up at two. Tomorrow is his birthday, which may not seem like a bad thing to you, but to him, it's hell. It was also the day is parents died in a house fire.

So of course he was dreading sleeping. Every year, on this night, since he 5, he had the same nightmare. About the night his parents died.

He frowned at the clock. Maybe he could stay up all night. He vetoed that idea quickly. His friends would clearly yell at him for the stupid idea; They'd also be curious of why he stayed up. If you dont know him, when lying to friends, he sucks.

He could sleep in thankfully if he got little sleep, since today was a Saturday. Well, technically it is Sunday, so school officially started tomorrow.

Dreading every action he made, Ryan got ready for bed. Though, when he was in the bathroom, something was nagging at him. Like he forgot something important. However, he quickly scanned over everything, and seeing nothing missing, left.

The nagging didnt leave him.

Shrugging, he headed to bed. Flopping on top of it, not getting under the sheets, he quickly succumbed to sleep.

The fire.

It seemed to be everywhere he looked. The red and orange creating pitch black smoke that smelled of burning tires.

Sirens pierced the nighttime quiet with their awful blaring sound. Slowly getting louder and louder to his position.

"Mamma! Daddy! What's goin' on!" Five year old Ryan cried out, waking up to smoke slowly coming in from the doorway. Everything felt so hot, yet, it didn't bother him. Though he didn't like it.

He wondered why a fire was inside their house. Ryan always seen them outside, not inside, unless they were on the stove. Sliding off his bed and slipping on his tiny slippers, he went towards the door, clutching his blanket in a vise like grip.

The doorknob was burning hot, but his body seemed to like the heat. The crackling of the fire was roaring behind the door, demanding more fuel to eat.

He took at deep breath before opened the door. His blanket was in a tight grip, as he tried to keep calm as waves of smoke rolled in now that the door was gone.

Red, yellow, and orange colors were  swallowing the hallway; turning the house into black piles or ash.

"Mommy!" He tried again. Hoping to see the figure of his parent through the smoke. His parents always calmed him down when he felt scared, and he was petrified right now.

A large crash was heard downstairs. Hoping it was his parents, Ryan went towards the stairs. gently stepping in case they were weak.

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