Part 16

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Platt's POV*

After Halstead ended the call all I could think about was, "Did he just say Upton ,Hailey has a kid, why didn't she tell us". After I got over the shock, I got in my car drove and drove to the preschool Halstead told me to go to. When I got there I told the lady at the front desk who I was and she called into her walkie talky " Can I have Ryder Upton to the front, Ryder Upton to the front please" said. When Ryder came out he looked very confused so I got down on his level and said " hey, buddy I work with Jay and he told me to come and take you to see where he works" I say. Ryder looks at me and nods as he takes my hand and we leave the preschool. When I get back to the district I give Ryder a healthy snack and shortly after he finishes the snack he falls asleep in my lap.

Hailey's POV*

While me and Kim were in the basement Kim found a way out of her zip ties, but when she tried to undo my chains she failed so I told her to leave and find a way to get people to us. In the basement was some light fuel and a box of match so she climbed up the stair and through the door. A couple minutes after Kim left the smaller guy can in. " Where's your friend" he says. " You can go to hell " I says back. Then he walks over to me and touches my back only to find my vest. "Your a cop" he says and pulls out his gun. " Yea I'm a cop and my friends a cop too so even if you kill me she knows what you look like so your done" I says and spit blood at his feet. That when Kim comes in and tackles him and starts to punch him until he gets on top of her and chokes her. Then she kicks him and grabs the gun but not I start to choke him with my chains.

Vanessa's POV*

When me and Adam walk in he grabs the gun from Kim while I try and pry Hailey's hand from the guys neck. When she lets go I cuff the guy and walk out. When I walk out I hear Adam over the radio call for a ambo and shortly after I see Jay running towards the house while Voight takes the offender to the patrol unit on scene.

Jay's POV*

When I hear Adam call for an ambo I just start running until I reach the cabin where Hailey and Kim are. When I get inside the cabin I go to the basement where I see Kim standing in shock while Adam is try to be there for her but is also trying to keep Hailey awake. I run over to Adam telling to go make sure Kim's alright. " Hey Hailey stay awake the ambo is a minute out" I say softly. " Where's.... Ry" she says just above a whisper. " he's with Platt" I say. when the ambo arrives the whole team leaves to go to the hospital to be with Kim and Hailey but I tell them that I'll be back just have to go get something. On the way to the district I call Platt to tell her I'm on the way there and that we found Kim and Hailey." How's Ryder doing?" I ask. " he's asleep so good I guess" she says, we talk for a little bit longer before I hang up and walk into the district.

I go inside and up to the break room where I find both Platt and Ryder asleep on the couch. " hey Platt wake up" I say. " hey Halstead how's Kim and Hailey" she asks." I don't Know yet but I'm on my way to find out if you like to come". I pick up Ryder and his bag, walk down the stairs and to my truck.

When I get to Med I take Ryder out his car seat and walk in with him asleep on me. I get in and everyone's looking at me. " Have we heard any thing yet" I say trying to break the silence. " No, nothing yet" Voight says. " Who is the little man on you" says Kevin. " Um he's a friend I'm just watching him" I say. That's when Will come out say that everything is fine Kim has minor bruising on her neck and Hailey has a busted lip, a broken rib, and bruised knuckles. " You can see them now if you'd like" says will. When everyone goes to see Kim first I see Hailey. When I walk in he is a sleep so I put Ryder in the chair next to her bed and walk over to the other side and hold her hand. 

Hope y 'all like this chapter. Bye.


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