2 years later.

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"BA" Minnie jumps onto the bed jumping up and down waking her parents up. "good morning princess" Dalton yawns opening his eyes pulling her down for snuggles. "daddy work today" she muffles. Obviously being two she would talk but you had to fully listen to be able to work out what she was saying.

"yes daddy does have work today" He pouts. "No daddy" She cries making Ariana open her eyes as she felt her kick her. "whats going on here" Ariana asks "daddy leave" she cries falling into her mamas arms. "daddy will come home baby" Ariana kisses her head "ive got it baby" Ariana tells him. "i don't want to leave her sad" He pouts.

"mummy take you shopping" Ariana looks at her making Minnie nod. "okay" she smiles. "say bye bye to daddy" Dalton asks making Minnie stand up on the bed and wrap her arms around him. "i love you angel" he gives her a kiss before letting her snuggle her mummy.

This happened every morning Dalton left for work. He leaves the bathroom and both his girls were fast asleep again. He smiles before grabbing his bag and leaving for work.

"mama" Minnie sits on her tummy. "good morning angel" she smiles sitting up making Minnie fall onto her back making her giggle before rolling over and climbing off the bed. "mummy" She pulls her arm. "Mummy is coming" Ariana smiles following her. Minnie stops at the stairs and Ariana smiles taking her hand. "your a good girl" Ariana smiles helping her down the stairs "woosy" Minnie smiles walking over to him cuddling him. "Be good to mummy's baby" she taps Toulouse before going to make her girl some breakfast.

"Minnie princess breakfast is ready" Ariana calls soon followed by little feet running into the kitchen sitting on the chair. "hey you go my angel. Lets get this tummy full" she tickles her making her giggle.

"How is my beautiful wife" Dalton smiles wrapping his arms around her making her smile leaning back into him. "hi baby" she smiles stirring the pasta she was making for Minnie. "shes going to love this" He smiles "mhm shes been begging for it all day" Ariana giggles.

"I'm making us a curry. Is that okay?" She questions looking up at him. "Mhm of course beautiful. Now wheres this little one of mine" He asks "she was waiting for you at the window before so I really don't know"

Dalton walks into the front room and Minnie looks at him. "DADDY" She screams jumping off the sofa running into his arms. "Hey my princess. How was your day with mummy" He asks sitting down with her sat on his knee. "I got a sticker" She points to her too.

"oh wow" he gasps "i got a boo boo" she shows him her knee and he kisses it better. "now you got mummy and daddy to kiss it better" he smiles making her smile. "what you get your sticker for" he asks "i put toys away" she claps making him smile "oh your a good girl."

"Minnie princess tea" Ariana smiles making Minnie jump off her daddy's knee. "pasta mummy" she asks jumping up and down making Ariana nod lifting her up into her highchair. "me feed me" she points "yes baby you feed you. you big girl" Ariana hands her a fork and a spoon.

"i'm going to shower" he gives Ariana a kiss. "Okay handsome" she smiles tapping his bum. "naughty mummy" Minnie points "yeah mummy naughty" Dalton sticks his tongue out at her before leaving the room.

"woosy no" Minnie whines "Toulouse down" Ariana looks at him. "come have some doggy food" She places his bowl down.

"babe how hungry are you" Ariana asks "don't give me a lot" he smiles making her nod giving him a decent sized portion before giving her a smaller portion before sitting next. "I love your cooking so much" he smiles "thanks baby" she smiles "I like cooking so much. I like to know what i feed my babies" she gives him a kiss. "your a cutie" he smiles picking some curry onto his fork and placing it to her mouth. Ariana giggles opening her mouth. "love you"

"I love you too" "come on let got watch a movie and cuddle." he suggests making her nod. "please im so exhausted and just want to cuddle" Ariana yawns Dalton nod picking her up. "im at home tomorrow all day so familyday" he smiles "Minnie will love that and so will i. I get to kiss you all day" She beams "mhm kisses all day seem fun" he smiles.

okay im just going to state right now that when i left my last book Minnie was 9 months which makes her 2 and 9 months just so people don't get confused

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