2°/ Voices

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1.2K reads on TMBT already😥❤️And to think, I just started this book yesterday, I'm definately dreaming. Thank you so much for reading this book. I assure you won't regret it, it's going to be one hell of a ride!!! 😥❤️

Oh, and someone asked if TMBT can be read and understood as a stand- alone, and the answer is a big YES! Like I said this isn't a sequel of TLT, it's more like a spin off. It's like the TV shows 'Blackish' and 'Grownish' - even if they are connected, you don't need to watch Blackish to understand Grownish, and even if you never watched Blackish, you will totally still grab Grownish. Same thing with TLT and TMBT, iyeh?

Okay, so we start.....🥃🥃🥃🥃


"What were you doing in there?" Soma asked me, thick brows furrowed in curiosity, as she frowned inquisitively at me.

It had been about a minute or so since we both left the Diner, and decided to rather sit on the mahogany large bench - the one that was always positioned in front of the Gomery building. The one that gave a distanced, but clear view of the busy road that was just a few feet away.

"Where?" I was about asking Soma before it all came back to me like a flash.

The kitchen... The woman made of concrete...

I opened my mouth to answer Soma's question, but whatever words were about to proceed off them came to a halt. I paused, a sudden unfarmiliar interest connected me to the road side, successfully distracting me from Soma and whatever she was saying.

Cars moved to and fro, big cars, small cars, trucks, buses, all speedingly heading towards their destination, and for some reason that wasn't clear to me, I was fascinated by the scenery. Intensely fascinated.

I imagined car crashes and ghastly motor accidents.

"Lulu!" Soma screamed at me and her loud voice actually jolted me in shock.

Lulu - that was a name she fondly called me. A nickname she extracted from my actual full name. I wasn't sure why I wasn't interested in listening to her at the moment, but she damn right got my attention when she nudged a painful elbow into my wrists, her knob, painfully digging in between my ribs and nearly cracking it.

"Ow." I muttered, massaged my ribs, but she wasn't bothered at all.

"Ehen? So? Are you ready to answer me or should I press your neck?" Soma said, tucking in a little of her long, long black hair and blinking steadily at me steadily, as she peered those big brown eyes of hers into mine, awaiting my response.

She may have tucked in that hair of hers more than once for me to have noticed it, because I was just staring at her hair now. Couldn't stop staring at it and wondering, within me, how possible it was for a girl's natural hair to be that long at this part of the world.

Somadina Best had the longest hair I had seen live; It was very black, very straight, very silky and perfectly oiled and straightened neatly, letting it to go down, down, down, literally stopping an inch past her mid back. If she wasn't grinning widely, the first thing you'd noticed when you looked at her, was her long hair.

Yes, ofcourse, Soma was pretty too - almond shaped, large eyes, thick full eyebrows, and full lips that made her look like she was a distant relative of the Kardashians. Sure, she wasn't exactly drop dead georgeous enough to have you gasping for air, but she was beautiful enough to make you a tad bit envious...  And that hair of hers... that hair could have you green eyed as a snake.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now