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Opurum_ here you go❤️

We're almost at 12k, I'm screaming!!!

Sooooo soorrryyyyy for taking soooo lonngggg. This school has bluntly refused to give us light 💔 This would have been a double update, but due to no light, I've been writing this chapter since Monday😑😑

Low-key, the twins scared me in this chapter🤣💔

Annnddd, hopefully if they bring light in the morning, I'll write the next chapter. If they don't bring light, e go be✌️


Enjoy your readdddd....🥃🥃


On the morn of resumption day, I had barely taken two steps into the rowdy SS3 Hallway when Chika Chioma blocked my path.

"Dabz, come with us."


I hadn't even had time to object, or interrogate the light-skinned girl on the horrific bruise and swelling I could see, visibly glaring and showing itself, right under her left eye.

No, I hadn't had time to ask questions. Chika had grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me along with her, stepping out of the block with a speed that shocked me beyond words.

"What's going-"

"Don't ask questions, Dabeluchi." The twins appeared by me and Chika, straight-faced, walking alongside with us, and not failing to match Chika's speed.

I got scared. 

I wanted to break free, but Chika was not letting go of my arm anytime soon, and the twins looked as unbothered as ever as they walked with us, yet their legs were marching, literally marching with speed and eagerness to get somewhere as quick as possible.

Well, what a way to greet someone on their first day of SS3?

They only stopped walking when they got into the cleaner, Philomena's store room, about a literal stone throw away from the SS3 block.

"Took you guys long enough!"

Soma literally screamed at us the moment she set her wide, alerted eyes on us.

She seemed to have been waiting in the tiny spaced, compacted store room for us, and immediately Chika brought me into the room, and she literally ran, no, hopped to the door, clapper and chain of the bell she was holding, firmly restricted from clanging against it, as she proceeded to lock the wooden door behind us. 

This place smelt like shit!

"We stood at the ends of the hallway, watching out for her and giving signals to Chika to grab her the moment she stepped in." Ebere thumbed on her phone, with both hands, as she spoke. "I don't think we would have pulled this off better than we did, Soso."

"Seconded," Ebube popped her gum, a bored look on her face, eyes on her phone, "And we managed to capture the target before she could step into the madness."

"What madness?" I seemed to gulp.

No one particularly answered my question.

 "Hope no one will be able to get in here?" Chika rather looked to the hyper girl who stood by the locked door like a guard. 

Soma nodded vigorously. Grinning and showcasing all her 32, she gave two thumbs up. "Door's locked, secured, and restricted from entry, Chi Mama. Like the mouth of the cave where all the treasure lies!"

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now