65°/..... And Last Chances

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Hi, family.♥️

Who's awake?🌝♥️

Someone asked me to open a WhatsApp group chat for my books. What do y'all think?


It stayed a quiet ride till the end, and all in all, the drive to Nana's house did not take too long.

That, I was grateful for. Although, it was almost getting dark when we arrived, and the street lights that usually hung around the house were already lighted, shining gloriously on the cream coloured two story duplex and I could see it bright and clear as we drove in through the large black gates of the house.

I was already taking off my seatbelts as the car was reversing into a perfect spot in the house compound, and for a moment, as the silence continued between us, I felt an urge to whip out my phone and check if somehow, Dabeluchi would have texted back. That would be the best thing that could uplift the entire atmosphere for me.

But no, nothing.

No text back. No call back.

Sighing, I sent about the millionth text that day to her and I was in the process of typing when Kelechi's voice barged into my consciousness.

"We're here," She spoke calmly and quietly.

It took me a moment to stop and look around me before I realised that she had already long parked the car and as a matter of fact, she had been waiting for me to notice and step down alongside with her.

"Oh, sorry," I said. Sent my message to Dabeluchi.

"Do you want to sleep in the car?" She asked me rhetorically, raised a sleek brow.

"Of course not," I chuckled.

"Then, let's go," She chuckled too. "Come on, pretty boy blue." And she stepped out first before me, while I pushed the door open and took a step out.

I was just about to do a 360 round the car from the passengers seat just so that I could get to the front veranda of the house, but before I could go half way -


I jumped, absolutely startled by the loud voice that scattered the entire peace of the atmosphere at one go. Loud, yet familiar enough to know who exactly it was definitely supposed to be.

From the curve of the car, I caught a glimpse of Sean Ayomide running with all energy, excitement, and vigour like a damn freight truck into a stunned, horrified Kelechi, and for a moment, I was scared he was going to knock the poor girl down. However, he reached her, scooped her in his arms and carried her right off the ground until her feet were kicking in the air.

At least, he was in a good mood.

Or was it because he hadn't seen me yet?

Kelechi was ranting, screaming profanities, and thrashing in the hold of an excited Sean who simply could not care less, and me? Omoh. Well, gently, slow and steady, like I was on a threatening walk down the judgement line on the last day, I took easy steps, cornering the width of the car as I walked around it with a frightening goal to get to the both of them and well, reveal my presence.

Well, they hadn't even noticed me for about a good minute or so.

Sean was still carrying her around, arms wrapped around her body as she spurn around the entire compound with her and Kelechi was shrieking, clearly in displeasure, hitting him, and swearing to pull out his eyes with her nails when he dropped her and it was just by the iota of a second...

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now