27°/ Psychosis

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Thank you for 24k reads, guys! Chop kiss!!!

Oh, and yeah, I know. I'm not even following the schedule I wanted to use to update, but oh well. Don't we all ditch schedules too? Lmaoo! ENJOY YOUR READ OOO!!


Wow, I survived this week. Who could have known it was a possible task?

You know one of the worst things that can happen to you in Castron High? It's being the MAIN center of attraction for something that isn't good. And everyone is so bold to express just how they feel about you.

Trust me, you don't want to experience that.

Not that they've ever really liked me, anyway. Figures, I'd always been the outcast amongst the sisters. But, they've never been so bold to show it out so openly before.

It was worse back in the days of Junior School anyways. I won't stop thanking my God that this time, I have a cover. Those days, I was a lone walker, and after what I did to that Jelanie girl, it was the worst struggle fighting for my own survival.

If Chika didn't stop to pick me up and help me, only God knows whether I would have been alive today.

I didn't particularly think a time like this repeat itself, but apparently I am the 'most hated' by the girls of my set. All because of a boy.

The mere sight of Class F girls terrified me even more now, more than they've ever had in the past.

I always knew when they were coming, I could almost smell them.

Ajiroghene was the queen of Class F; a fact that has been embedded in everyone's head, since Ss1. A horrifyingly ghetto girl in our set who was large enough to bulldoze a multitude in a fight, if she wanted to. The only girl in our set who was ever so free with people like Kaniru George, laughing with him, bullying with him.

Ajiro was usually my indicator that Class F girls were around the corner. All I needed to hear was her loud, baritone voice booming round the block, and knowing fully that the rest of Class F girls were going to be surrounding her like little flies, I took cover.

I still didn't understand how the turn of events came to be. How that video of us came out.

After missing Dance Class that week, Yukerya had called to find out what the problem was.

At first, I dodged questions, because I was now even skeptical about her. And since most of them were in forms of texts, it was easier.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now