21°/ Unpleasant Surprise

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I'm back, guys! As promised!❤️❤️❤️



"Excuse me oo? CH! What exactly is wrong with that Dabi girl or whatever her name is, is she really getting off with this whole gist spreading about her? Does she really think these rumours are doing her any good? So, what did she now go to Acha's class to do now? What in God's name is even giving her the delusional idea that a guy like Acha will ever take her seriously? As in, he'll leave all the fine girls in our set and settle for the low budget, second hand Igbo sister?! As skinny as she is! Look at her uniforms! So old! So drab! So unappealing! See how she always comes to school looking like somebody that they have finished beating up! As if she fought with a racoon! And the fuck is wrong with her hair? Why doesn't she comb it?! If she's so broke, abi her friends don't they have money? They cannot borrow her to make hair? Simple things like common hygiene are such a struggle for her, and she thinks Marcus Bruno Acha will drop all his sanity for a dirty girl like her! Aunty, he is going to use and dump you oo! He dumped Neche. He dumped Funmi. He dumped Vanessa! Who you be! Stop embarrassing yourself abeg!"

That spiteful tweet by a female classmate has been trending the entire Friday, with more rapid speed than the new updated version of what they said I did with Acha in that locked room, and the numerous, edited, as well as looped videos of me and Acha from that day in class that circulated all around the media.

As much as the sisters went out of their way to make me feel better....

I wanted to die.

That night at home, I stared at the screen of my laptop for what seemed like an eternity, eyes burning, tearing up, and stinging me with painful tears that were threatening to blind me.

I shouldn't have come here. I should have just stayed away from Twitter today. I should have stayed away from Twitter forever.

I couldn't stop rereading that paragraph, going over every word, every sentence, acknowledging how true it was, and watching all my world flash before my eyes in the most painful ways possible.

Why did I deceive myself that the emotional abuse was ever going to stop?

Why did I deceive myself that I could be happy in school, at least?

And I was so willing to go out of my way to find this happiness... So desperate. At least, if never at home, then in school.

Even if it meant living a lie.... Dancing to the tunes of a rumour....

Just because I thought it would end all the ridicule from my classmates?

But was it my fault? How do you blame a person, and throw stones at them for trying desperately to get away from their suffering? How is one to blame for going out of their way to stop their torture?

I couldn't handle it because it was exhausting. It was too much. And if there was one way to end just one part of your problems and find that peace... Why would you be nailed on a cross for trying?

What kind of life is it, having to deal with your father deliberately doing everything in his power to bring your mother down?

Having his mistress, live in your own home, doing everything in her power to make all your lives a living hell?

Having to work every day in your own home as a slave for a woman who isn't even part of your family. Having to endure all her insults, beatings, and disrespect!

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now