39°/ Undesired Enemies

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Update came early, so yay🌝♥️

I wanted to make y'all happy with a double update, but I couldn't finish the other chapter on time, so boomer.

Anyways, enjoy this one!

Oh, and lest I forget, I am giving a shout out to bernieG247 , you guy should check out her book called 'The Bullet Within', and if I get enough feedback from it, I will push myself to publish double updates on Friday♥️


"Stand the fuck up, before I do something we'll all regret." Ajiro threatened in a low, cold voice that scared me.

Asides the fact that I was shocked she could make a complete and correct statement in English, without adding pidgin, I knew Ajiro meant what she said.

I knew it was a matter of time before she started to throw hands at Chika.

However, Chika didn't seem threatened.

Not even in the Slightest.

With all due respect, she was being too confident. Ajiroghene was three times her size.

What bothered me the most was that I knew Chika was not going to let Ajiroghene disrespect us like this. She was always generally calm to conflict, but when it had to do with this kind of utter degradation and severed rights........ Well, Chika was a tiger.

And with a calm and collected voice, she lifted her head up to Ajiroghene, and said to her;

"We are not standing up."

The entire Laboratory was a grave yard.

Silence filled all its ends and corners and my head dropped down on the white table in front of me, as the chilly eeriness from the atmosphere consumed my entire being, completely overwhelmed me to the extent that I couldn't even move.

No, seriously.

I was stuck. Completely and utterly stuck and frozen in panic.

I couldn't tell the other reactions of the Sisters, but from the much I knew of them, I was certain that Chika was absolutely unapologetic, the twins were stoic and unbothered, and Soma may have been the only one who was just as terrified as I was.

I wasn't looking at Ajiroghene either, but I could imagine the look on her face.

The look of shock and disbelief on her hard, angry, scary no-nonsense face.

And even in the muteness of the atmosphere around us, I was most certain that the students in the class were feeding off the drama that was pending. In their utter silence, we were the centre of attraction, pulling all eyes onto us, watching with all eagerness, and of course, shock.

If I could meet the author of my life, I would only want to ask one simple question;

Why on earth must you always look for a way to include me in all the drama?

My eyes fearfully and hesitantly looked around the Lab to all my classmates who had their eyes fixated on us; I could literally see the fear and dread in their eyes, as though they were the ones who were standing up to Ajiroghene.

And when I had the courage to look back to the monster terrorising our table, I was shocked to see that the look on her face was far from what I presumed it would be.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now