8b°/ Dirtier Conspiracies and Toxic Masculinity

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Man, I wasn't even sure which one I felt as I went over the list, displayed on the screen of the strange phone in my hand, for the hundredth time yet.

Chika's dare task.

Soma's dare task.

Dabeluchi's dare task.

Ebere's dare task.

Ebube's dare task.

Each one of them either surprised me, left me unspeakably stunned, or terrified the shit out out of me and I just wondered .... the heart, the bravery,  the .. audacity?

So many things were wrong with this list.

So many, many things were wrong.

"Chika's own caught me off guard the most, though," JJ spoke.

I begged to differ. Chika's dare task wasn't even the most alarming thing on this list.

"And it was actually all thanks to her that I came up with this plan to spice it up for them," JJ told us, "Just a little," he pinched an imaginary lump in the air to emphasize, and something about the way he said it didn't sitting well with me that instant.

"What the fuck do they even mean by this 'Dares and Pledges'?" Jagun asked.

"Isn't it self explanatory?" Kingsley frowned at him.

"I still don't grab why someone like Chika would even agree to something like that. Why would she, the Miss Independent of the set, want to engage in something like this..?" Another guy made a comment and I knew he was talking about Chika's dare task specifically.

I actually raised a brow.

I mean, sure, what was on that list for Chika to do, was way out of her character.. but seriously? Are these guys really just about to focus on only Chika's dare task? Out of EVERYTHING on that list?!

"Yeah, I thought Chika was into all that feminist trash," Another guy commented, irritation evident in his tone, and when I thought he was going to spit in all his disgust, he didn't.

"Exactly," Someone else came in, "So shouldn't this be contradicting that her nonsense 'I don't need a man in my life' motive." He hissed, dismissed something in the air, "All these yeye fenmist, abi feminists are just confused, abeg!"

"I swear, guy. Real clowns, man!" JJ made sure to comment, not forgetting to laugh about it, "Have you seen the girl's IG page? Omo, I fit blind from clownery. All these girls just like to feel too high and entitled. What's the point of feminism anyway? Trash!"

The rest of the boys were quick to agree with JJ. All of them, began throwing in their points of view, like they had been waiting a lifetime tobget to voice out their opinion on this topic.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now