79°/ Her Wall of Glass

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I am back, my babies!!!!! So, are we ready for this one? Because omoh, your eyes may born with tears, but hold yourself iyeh! We are on this ride together! One Love! 

And the song for the Chapter is Chainsmoker by Diamond White. I was listening to it while writing, so yeah, enjoy the song. It's up there in the Media! 

This chapter has a lot of Flashbacks sha, so stay tuned lmaoo. I seldom ever do this flashback thing. May God help me.

Without much talk, let's get into this one!


"Chika Stephanie Chioma, you have to be joking."

It was four of us staring at Chika in thorough disbelief, confusion marrying our faces as we heard what she had just said to us. 

Evidently, the shock was beyond what our words could elaborate and granted, we were short of it, mouths hanging open in complete speechlessness, as we moped at the light skinned girl before us who looked like she was not in the slightest, capping. 

She could not be serious.

Please, God, she just couldn't be.

We were done and over with those Dares and Pledges. Completely. Soma had insisted we cancelled them. We were through this those. We were so done with it that we had even forgotten for a moment that it existed. 

Painfully so, it was clear to all of us that a girl like Chika would have still gone along with it. But, that piece of info didn't stay with us enough to be cautious of that. So, we were completely taken off guard.

And it was not even funny.

I prayed Chika was joking.

Unfortunately, so far I observed, she did not seem to be. Her face mirrored the same look of confusion in it as she stared right back at us. The girl was just looking at us like she genuinely could not see or understand this 'shock' from our own point of view.

"I don't understand this," She said to us, "Why are we all acting like it never happened? Is there something I am missing?"

Jesus Christ. She was serious. Chika was actually dead serious about this. 

The classroom was hot.

It was boiling in temperature.

Ironically, it was the ending of November. The air was dry and the night was stack cold, and yet,  this classroom, for some reason, seemed hotter than Hell. And with each passing second, the temperature was rising and rising, heating up the growing tension in the room more and more. 

"Yes, Chika, we cancelled our Dares!" Soma exclaimed. She seemed to be on the verge of running mad, big eyes widened in horror at Chika.

"How many times have we cancelled Dares and Pledges and I still went through with them?" Chika retorted, asking Soma, "Why are you all being so surprised about this? I thought you all would be well aware that I was still going to go ahead with my dare?"

It was painful because Chika was not even wrong.

We should have been aware. It just did not click. We should have been aware, really.

"Look at this," The light skinned girl said, moving her weaves to the side to show to us something that we had long forgotten about.

The Tattoo at the back of her neck.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now