81°/ Believe me, I'm lying II

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Before you go on, I am curious sha. Tell me what you guys feel when you see an update on this book. Like the very first thing that you feel. I don't know why I am curious, lmaooo!

Moving on, the songs for this chapter are:

*Wicked games by The Weeknd

*Bambi by Baekhyun

*Amnesia by KAI (Feel free to check out Peaches too!)

*Ariana Grande (feat Sonny Zero) by Kodi

Why? Because I listened to those songs as I wrote this chapter and it was a surreal experience. Those songs have such lovely melody, and my heart goes to them! Especially, Bambi! (Amnesia made me so happy too!)

Alright, let's get into it!


Wicked games by The Weeknd was on repeat; all I did was sit on the cold, hard ground with my knees to my chest and my hands, hugging my legs, waiting.

Days had rolled by, and with each passing one, it was like my brain was going more into an overdrive. Occasionally, I did this. I found my quiet place, locked myself in it, and drowned in music that I should be dancing to, instead of absorbing.

But absorbing it didn't feel so bad. Naturally, subconsciously even, my love for dancing made me to fall in love with music. So, I liked to hear music, and quietly just tap my hands to the beat or move my feet subtly to the rhythm. Sometimes, I lost myself in the words of the song and choreographed a whole performance in my head, zoning out for that time being.

 I liked to feel the bass of songs; they sent chills down my spine, and caused my body to move with the beat drop in its own accord. Reflexively, my body would move in flow, and my shoulders would circle rhythmically to the beat, my head bobbing to its tempo. It came naturally, really. Music did that to me, and The Weeknd, right now, was really passing my vibe check.

I guess, with everything that had happened so far, this was some sort of therapy for me.

The Christmas party was tomorrow.

And, well, the Sisters were understanding when I told them that I wasn't coming with them for yet another committee meeting. 

Apparently, the Last minute preparations were tight. Having the big night that all the classmates could not stop going on about everywhere was tomorrow, things were hot. Thankfully, I was excluded when I excused myself. It wasn't like I had any use there, anyway.

"It's the choice of venue for me though."

The voice was like a zap of electricity down my spine and I felt my heart skip three dangerous, very dangerous beats.

My eyes shot up, immediately.

With eyes, dead and direct, showing contrary to the chaos heartbeat inside my chest, I stared at the mini god who trod his way into the big empty Hall that was my Dance Class. 

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now