47°/ Truth and Threats

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This is the second part of the double update, so go back and read the previous chapter if you missed it oo.



Three days.

I've had three whole days to tell Sean what he needed to hear.

But thinking of the possibilities surrounding the aftermath of that, always stopped me from doing so.

I had done the most I could do so far though. Like, making up for missing appointments last week and being there for him, these past few months. He hadn't said anything about Mamba since Monday, and Ada seemed to be thriving on my aching anxiety.

I had to tell Sean.

The Last person he should find out the truth from was Ada.

"This guy is disturbing me oo." Sean scoffed as he did a swiping movement against his phone, removing his annoying Whatsapp notifications, he thumbed away on Instagram.

My ears perked up immediately for a reason I wasn't sure of.

"A guy is disturbing you?" I repeated what I heard him say back to him.

"It's Casper, brah," He told me, "I'm sure he's also added you to the GC too. Apparently, we're part of the party planning Committee for Shade Onam."

"Oh," I said, "I knew about that."

I hadn't taken my time to see what the whole thing was all about, but a celebrity teen model called Shade Onam had her birthday coming up this Saturday, and Aaron and Casper were organizing for a party.

"He's been texting ever since, I think I'll soon leave that GC," Sean decided so casually.

"That would be rude," I told him.

"How?" He asked me, frowning im genuine confusion.

"At least, ask before you leave," I insisted, "So, it won't look like you don't care."

"But I don't care," Sean said, looked at me like he was still trying to understand my point, and figure out the big deal in leaving the group without telling anyone.

"Yeah, but-" You can't tell someone that. I couldn't finish my sentence before Sean cut me off.

"Okay, naw, no wahala," He waved me off, "If you insist, I'll just dm Casper right now and tell him that I don't care and that's the reason I'm about to leave the group chat-"

"Sean, no!" I nearly screamed, stopped his hands as I noticed him already thumbing away in Casper's DMS.

Sean looked at me, confused. "What now?"

"You can't say that to Casper," I said to Sean, and he just stared at me, honest to God having not a damn clue why he shouldn't.

"Let me have your phone." I said to him.

"Whatever, brah." he shrugged, tossed me his Samsung phone, and I took it, took my time as well to construct a more apologetic excuse in Casper's DMS.

"Why do they even keep adding me to these kind of things when they know I'll still leave?" Sean asked rhetorically as I gave him back his phone.

I wondered too.

Each time we had a party, Aaron and Casper always made a general list of people who would be involved in the planning phase. It ranged from people who were really social and capable of coming up with lively ideas or getting connections with celebrities, and people who were just rich enough to contribute and deal with expenses... Or both.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now