12°/ Never Enough

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This chapter is dedicated to all of you. Especially kids who have ever felt low self esteem because of their homes.

This chaoter is also specially dedicated to Opurum_. She told me aome things about this book that were sweeting my heart one time😩❤

Oh, and guys, Acha's face claim was changed😌 Feel free to check out our new Acha😌🔥

Oya nu na, dive in, guys!!!🥃🥃🥃


Apparently so, I was trending all over Social Media.

Not something I'd usually wake up to on a Sunday Morning, really. Not even close.

Well, word came to me - after JJ had sent me a post link - that the school's informal Instagram page (@ch_universe) had put up a new post this morning, updating people on the progress of Yure's party, and proceeding to insinuate that I did unspeakable things, with a 'mysterious' female classmate... in a locked room.

I couldn't stop going over the caption of the post, and the more I went through it, the more I thought I may have been living in an alternate universe.

It's been a crazy week, y'all.

First, Ss1 girl is allegedly a witch. Then, mystery Ss3 girl is seen to be having an affair with a mystery teacher, and now...

With the latest update on Yure Adediji's house party that was the talk of the media for weeks now....

Ss3 hunk, Marcus Acha spices things up with the most unexpected 😱 in a locked bedroom!!!!

(The girl's identity will shock you to your bones!)

Follow our website to read the full gist😱😱

I had questions. One; who even gave them such news? And two; how did the person know I was locked up with Dabeluchi that night?

I dared myself not to look up the link for the full news, and with the screenshots of comments that JJ had sent me, concerning the alleged 'full story', I didn't even know what exactly or how exactly to feel about this? I didn't know if this kind of rumours spreading, was good or bad for me. I wasn't even sure.

Most especially... Who was responsible for starting the rumours?

Could it be that girl? Dabeluchi? Could it?

Because for all, I know, she is one girl not-so -usual. I could already decipher that in the small space of hours, spent in that room with her.

And in a way I didn't want to admit, she actually fascinated me... A lot, actually. Sort of an interesting movie you trying to see the end of, or a character off a good book that you would love to experiment with. That kind of thing.

So far, judging by that one night, all I had to say was that Dabeluchi is a strange girl, but an interesting persona; the things she said, the things she did, the way she behaved, they weren't usual at all. Still, it somehow amused me, also confused me really. However, watching her every move and action, was in a way, entertaining.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now